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September 29, 2000 Michael New Day
Forwarded for your information:
From: LadyLiberty@Visto.Com
Subject: Celebrate a "New" Day & 2 "New" Weeks!
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 19:19:52 -0700
To: [list]OCTOBER 10th, 2000 (Tuesday), is the 5th Anniversary of when the 1st & 15th Battalion of the 3rd Infantry Division of the U.S. Army came to attention at 0900 in Schweinfurt, Germany. All but one of the 550 soldiers was wearing a sky-blue baseball- cap with a United Nations insignia on the front. One was wearing the olive-drab flat cap that is authorized to be worn with the Battle Dress Uniform. With this simple act of disobeying a direct order, Spc. 4 Michael New set the stage for a legal battle that has profound implications for the future of American generations. At issue is the authority of the Presidentof the United States to order American soldiers into service under the United Nations without the constitutional permission of Congress.
OCTOBER 2nd, 2000 (Monday) -- OCTOBER 6th, 2000 (Friday)
This week on "The Liberty Hour" with Lady Liberty, on the only "AM" Christian talk radio station in Las Vegas, Nevada on KKVV-- 1060AM and the World Wide Web at, from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. (Pacific) you will hear the cassette version, of the book, "Michael New -- Mercenary or American Soldier?" Written by Daniel New and Cliff Kincaid, and narrated by Daniel New.
Since Michael New showed the world, he was willing to uphold the "oath" he took for his country, in refusing to follow an un-constitutional order, in wearing the United Nation’s uniform.
It is now our duty to stand by Michael New, in showing our disdain for the United Nations, by burning a UN rag on October 10th of every year.
I, Lady Liberty, hereby declare October the 10th of each year as the official "Michael New Day." Because of the courage it took for Spc. 4 Michael New to stand alone, in formation with 549 traitors to their country, Michael now stands as an America hero, equal to Patrick Henry, Nathan Hale, George Washington and our other founding fathers. It is time America’s children had a hero other than some football, baseball, basketball player, boxer or wrestler who is a rapes, murders, uses drugs, has AIDS or proud of the number of women they have slept with. It is time to have a real live American hero! His name is Michael New.
I ask you to join with me in spreading the word to everyone to declare October 10th as Michael New Day from this day forward. However, since the 10th is during the week, we want a massive turn out, therefore we will celebrate Michael New Day on….
OCTOBER 8th, 2000 (Sunday) -- If you are in the Las Vegas, Nevada area, please join Lady Liberty in celebrating "Michael New Day" by burning a United Nations flag in honor of Michael. If you can not, please celebrate "Michael New Day" in your community. You have plenty of time to put one together.
To obtain a "UN Rag" to burn, call fellow patriot, Bill Steelhammer, of T-N-T Flags toll free at 1 + 800 + 679-2726. Be sure to tell him, Lady Liberty sent you.
The UN "rag" will be burned at 2:00 p.m., in the parking lot, across the street, at the south end of the "new" federal build located on Las Vegas Blvd. (across from the "old" Foley Federal Building, downtown). This is the same location the UN "rag" was burned last year.
OCTOBER 9th, 2000 (Monday) - OCTOBER 13th, 2000 (Friday)
This week on "The Liberty Hour" with Lady Liberty, on the only "AM" Christian talk radio station in Las Vegas, Nevada on KKVV -- 1060AM and the World Wide Web at, from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. (Pacific) you will hear retired military and friends of Michael New during the entire week.
OCTOBER 9th, 2000 (Monday) -- Command Sgt. Major Mike Heit, AUS, Ret., and POW for 42 months in Hanoi.
OCTOBER 10th, 2000 (Tuesday) -- Actual date Michael New, said NO the UN, in refusing to wear their uniform.
Tonight, we will hear Michael New’s candid conversation with Dave von Kliest him. This is the only known, one-on-one interview Michael New has ever done. Join Lady Liberty with her guest Dave von Kliest.
OCTOBER 11th, 2000 (Wednesday) -- Captain Joyce Riley von Kliest will join Lady Liberty to discuss Michael New and the Gulf War Syndrome.
OCTOBER 12th, 2000 (Thursday) -- Jim Cabaniss. Retired officer, and head of AVIDD -- (American Veterans in Domestic Defense) We will discuss his feelings on the stand Michael New took.
OCTOBER 13th, 2000 (Friday) -- Tonight, during the first 30 minutes of "The Liberty Hour" with Lady Liberty, you will hear the "Remarks of Michael G. New" at the Michael New Homecoming Rally at the Montgomery County Courthouse in Conroe, Texas on July 28th, 1996.
The last portion of the program will be devoted to your comments to Michael. This is your chance to tell Michael, "thank you" for standing for God, country and family. Lady Liberty will send a copy of this tape to Daniel, to be given to Michael.
America stands at a crossroads in history. Will we face the future as an independent Republic? Or will our grandchildren grow up in a New World Order governed from New York City, where we as a Member State, can be constantly out-voted by a hundred other countries who do not share our heritage, our values, and our interest? This legal case may well determine the future of our nation.
OCTOBER 22nd, 2000 (Sunday) -- If you are in the Las Vegas, Nevada area, please join Lady Liberty in celebrating the "55th Anniversary" of the United Nations" by burning their UN "rag", to let them know we are saying "N-O to the U-N!". If you can not, please celebrate in your community. You have plenty of time to put one together.
To obtain a "UN Rag" to burn, call fellow patriot, Bill Steelhammer, of T-N-T Flags toll free at 1 + 800 + 679-2726. Be sure to tell him, Lady Liberty sent you.
The UN "rag" will be burned at 2:00 p.m., in the parking lot, across the street, at the south end of the "new" federal build located on Las Vegas Blvd. (across from the "old" Foley Federal Building, downtown). This is the same location the UN "rag" was burned last year.
If you would like to support Michael's legal fight, please send what you can to:
P. O. Box #100
Iredell, Texas 76649Visit Michael New on-line at:
e-mail Daniel (Michael's father) at:
Please e-mail me back, let me know if you will stand with me in honoring Michael New on "Michael New Day"
Lady Liberty
Phone: (702) 649-6808
e-mail: ladyliberty@vito.comForwarded for your information by The Liberty Crew
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