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Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
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October 14, 2000 A Jew Who Has Learned from History Offers Advice to ALL!
To: JPFO Webmaster <>
From: "jonn smith" <>p
Subject: Re: Re: ALERT: Interview -- Richard Stevens author of "Dial 911 and Die"
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 15:24:26 -0700On Thu, 12 Oct 2000 19:30:48 EDT you wrote:
Dear Mr. Zelman,
At this very moment the Jews in Yesha, Shomron & Gaza are under attack & the once proud IDF is failing to protect them in the appropriate fashion. If it wasn't for the guns in their possession, they'd be slaughtered like the Jews in Chevron were in 1929, because they refused to arm themselves, least they provoke their Arab "brothers". This is one of many reasons why Jews should be an armed people. Not to mention the anti-Jewish attacks taking place throughout the world including NYC, Harrisburg, Pa, etc. But the Jews will never learn if it's a matter of common sense & survival.
Wishing you Hag Samach.
Jonn Smith from NYC.
* * *
Forwarded by The Liberty Crew
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