JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
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May 12, 2001 Don't Let the "Billion-Mom" Lie Win the Info War
First there was the Million Mom March. Photos showed that only 40,000 showed up for the famous march on Washington, D.C., But that didn't matter: the "moms" got the uncritical support of the media and millions of dollars in foundation funding to help them disarm you and your family.
Now, those politically connected women have joined with their global counterparts to perpetrate an even bigger lie. The Billion Mom March ( plans to enlist women all over the world in a strident demand to abolish to your gun rights. This time they're planning year-long activities instead of one big march. (Perhaps that's to make it harder for skeptics to discover that they're not a billion-member grassroots effort, but an elite, well-funded public relations corps.)
One guess as to where the "Billion Mom March" was born. That's right -- at the United Nations. Their plans were created at a March 2001 U.N. conference on small arms. They formally announced their intentions at the U.N. on Thursday, May 10. The first major focus of their efforts will be yet another U.N. conference on small arms, this July.
There will never be a billion "moms" marching for disarmament. What there will be is another yet another -- bigger, louder, better-financed -- round of lies and law-making. This time it will be global, not merely national.
The only way to combat the effect of these Big Lie campaigns and the "useful idiots" who fall under their sway is learn in detail what they're trying to do and understand what makes them do it. Then use facts to persuade family members, friends, co-workers, newspaper editors, and maybe even some of those marching "moms" of the real truth -- that guns in the hands of responsible civilians are the healthiest thing "for the children." (Don't the "billion moms" remember that Hitler slaughtered 1.5 million children whose disarmed parents couldn't protect them?)
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership has two illustrated, easy-to-read booklets that offer the most hard- hitting, yet simple, arguments against the Big Liars of the U.N.-inspired Billion Moms:
Gran'pa Jack No. 5, "The United Nations is Killing Your Freedoms!," exposes how the U.N., with the approval of the U.S. government (and with *your* taxes), has laid the groundwork for destroying nearly every part of the Bill of Rights - and is now forcefully moving to implement its plans.
Gran'pa Jack No. 7, "Do Gun Prohibitionists Have a Mental Problem?," (co-authored by Dr. Sarah S. Thompson) exposes the underlying motivations of millions of anti-gunners and can help you:
- Understand why so many people are anti-gun
- Communicate effectively with your anti-gun friends and family members
- Avoid frustrating and ineffective arguments
- Defuse emotionally charged discussion about guns
Invest just six dollars, get both these booklets, and you'll have answers at your fingertips next time someone says they want to take away guns "for the children." While you're at it, order a few copies for friends.
The Liberty Crew
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