JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
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November 7, 2001 Let JPFO know how you plan to party on BOR day
Party Time! Celebrating America's Special December Holiday
by Richard W. Stevens
Editor, The Bill of Rights SentinelSerious discussion. That's what we usually feature in this column.
But now it's party time!
What is the one All-American civil holiday in December? Not Christmas, December 25. Not Hanukkah, December 10 this year. Not Kwanzaa, December 19.
Readers of this column should know ... December 15 is Bill of Rights Day!
Something that Shotgun News readers definitely know how to do: Party!
Here's the Bill of Rights Day party guide. Make it fun!
Food & Drink: What part of "hamburgers, (kosher) hot dogs, chips, fruit salad, soda, ice cream, and adult beverages" don't we Americans understand?
Activities for Adults:
- Trivia Game - One person picks a number between 1 and 10. The contestant answers giving one of the rights protected by the Amendment with that number (in the Bill of Rights). Use the Gran'pa Jack #3 "Common Sense" booklet to check answers. Guess right - you get dessert!
- Reverse Game - One person states the individual right, the contestant must guess the Amendment number. Allow people to state bogus or non-existent rights, just to see if the others know that they aren't in the Bill of Rights. Hint: "free love" is not a right!
- Advanced "UN" Version - One person states an individual right. The contestant must indicate whether that right is protected by the Bill of Rights, and whether it is protected by the UN Declaration of Human Rights. (Hand out Gran'pa Jack #5 to contestants so they can look it up, and put a time limit on answers.) Guess wrong - you're forced to kiss some part of Kofi Annan!
Ideas for Kids:
- "Right or Wrong" Game - Gather kids in a circle. Give them a scenario based on one part of the Bill of Rights, such as: "Suppose you stand on the public street corner near a fast food place and say ‘I hate cheeseburgers!'. Would it be right or wrong for the police to arrest you?" Let the kids answer and give reasons. Kids who answer correctly get a little prize. All the kids get Gran'pa Jack #3 as a door prize.
- Bill of Rights Hunt - On slips of paper, write a number from 1 to 10. Place each slip inside a small decorative envelope or other concealable item, and hide the items all over the house. Let the kids search for them, coming back to "base" when they have found one. (Use more than one slip for numbers 1, and 4-8, because there are several rights protected in those Amendments.) Each child then can peel back the numbered cover card on a poster board that matches his number, to reveal one of the rights in the Bill of Rights written underneath on the poster board. When finished, all the kids share in the Bill of Rights Day cake.
- Sign a Card to our Police - Kids can sign and decorate a card addressed to your local police officers, thanking them for protecting All of the Bill of Rights for All Citizens. Deliver it to the police or a local library for posting.
Decorations and Novelties: The JPFO Bill of Rights Day Poster; Red, white and blue streamers, with similar colored cups and plates; party poppers (save for last, after successfully playing games); cookies with red, white and blue M&Ms baked in; red, blue and clear ice cubes (use Kool Aid as color).
Videos: The best for kids is probably Johnny Tremaine, a Disney film (call video stores to locate it) about a boy during the Revolutionary War. For ages 13 and up, the first episode ("Arrival") or second episode ("Chimes of Big Ben") of The Prisoner TV series (on video), casts a timeless light on the quest for freedom. For older teens and adults, The Patriot with Mel Gibson (rated R).
Goodie Bags: Kids like to take something home after a party - Brasco the Bear Coloring Books for younger kids, Gran'pa Jack booklets for kids age 8 to 88 - plus the usual munchies!
JPFO is Bill of Rights Day Party Central - get our BORD video for education, the full color BORD poster, Kofi Annan Poster, BORD stickers, and all the Gran'pa Jack booklets and Brasco the Bear coloring books you need.
Call (800) 869-1884 or click on
Re-awaken the spirit of America - Get your BORD Party going now ... it's easy, fun, and ... here's the serious part ... so necessary during this climate of terrorism and war.
Party down the Bill of Rights!
Send reports of YOUR Bill of Rights Day Party to JPFO! Postal mail or e-mail pictures and "reports" on this years Bill of Rights Day Party to or our Postal Address (below).
* * * *
Thank these sponsors for this "Common Sense" column in Shotgun News:
Fred's -- Military M-14 Stocks & Accessories
Fulton Armory -- Precision M1 Garand, M14, M1 Carbine & AR15 Weapon Systems
Hodgdon Powder Company, Inc.
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