JPFO Alerts
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Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027

Phone (800) 869-1884
Fax (425) 451-3959

April 1, 2002

Great News & Special Deal for Pro-RKBA Businesses!

Great News:

Rich Lucibella, publisher of SWAT Magazine, has donated $1,000 toward the documentary film project, Innocents Betrayed. He has not been alone. Hundreds of members and several businesses and clubs have donated to the project.

Paladin Press has also donated $1,000 toward the project. See their contact information below.

We have raised over $50,000 toward the $170,000 goal !

Special Deal:

To build momentum and encourage other businesses to help, Mr. Lucibella is offering a win-win special deal. Here are the terms:

If you or your business contributes $1,000 or more toward the Innocents Betrayed documentary film project, then your business can get a 10% (ten percent) discount on all advertising rates in SWAT Magazine. The discount will apply to ads running in the September, October or November 2002 issues only, but there is plenty of time to get the ads prepared.

(Remember, all donation funds are held in escrow -- they will be used only for the film project.)

Depending upon the size of your advertisement, your business could recoup part or all of the $1,000 donation pretty quickly.

And the $1,000 (or more) donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law!

To get detailed information about advertising in SWAT Magazine, including demographics,

click on

or e-mail:

For rates and information, you can also call: (800) 665-SWAT / (800) 665-7928

Contact Aaron Zelman at JPFO to be sure that your donation is received and your business gets the discount authorization.

Take advantage of this advertising bargain and excellent way to move the Innocents Betrayed project to completion soon.

Pass this message to anyone you know who might enjoy this superb opportunity.

The Liberty Crew


Remember: Contact Paladin Press at (800) 392-2400 to get their free catalog of over 800 firearms-related, history, and defense tactics books and videos for true Americans. Paladin has supported our documentary film project -- let's support them!

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