A Message to Grown-Ups:
No, not rebel against Mom and Dad. But rebel against the loss of freedom.
We need America's young people to wake up and stand tall against a frightening future. To grow towards self-reliance. To resist the temptations and snares of the coming Control State.
Our teens, on the other hand, may just want to have fun. And who can blame them?
Well, we've got a subversive little plan that enables you to help raise a teen's consciousness -- without work, without lectures, without strife. Better yet, it's fun for them -- and for you. And we make it EASY for you to do.
Here's how it works:
Send a copy of the short novel "RebelFire: Out of the Gray Zone" ANONYMOUSLY to your son, daughter, niece, nephew, grandchild, or any young person 12 or older. We'll mail the book with an intriguing note:
"From a Secret Rebel."
[[If you want to receive and send the book yourself, you can print out a pic at (http://www.rebelfirerock.com - (sorry, site has expired), from the RebelFire web site.]]
Then stand back and watch what happens.*
"RebelFire: Out of the Gray Zone" was written with teenagers in mind. Adults rave about it (http://www.rebelfirerock.com - sorry, site has expired), but it's aimed at anyone from 12-22.
It's a book about rock and rebellion. It even comes with a two-song music CD. Teens love it.
It's also a book about freedom, growth, and individual responsibility. A book that will prepare them for the future.
Problem is, kids might never even open the book if some adult hands it to them and says (or implies), "Here. Read this. IT'S GOOD FOR YOU!" Face it, an adult recommending a book to a teen can be the kiss of death.
So that's why you become a Secret Rebel. Put freedom into a teens hands -- but do it with mystery and flair instead of with boring authority.
Wait for your teen to read the book. After he or she has read it, you might confess that you were the Secret Rebel, if that seems right. Or you can remain anonymous forever. If your teen wants to talk with you about the book later, great. If not, don't worry; the message of freedom and responsibility will be quietly sinking in along with the rousing story.
The forces of the nanny state long ago decided to control our children. Do-gooders with the overwhelming might of government behind them constantly tell us what must be done "for the children." Their demands become more invasive and grotesque all the time -- and our children suffer.
The kids are dumbed-down in government schools. (Even homeschooled children are still surrounded by propagandized peers.) They're increasingly "diagnosed" and drugged for ordinary childhood feelings and behavior. They're told that government is their savior.
They need intellectual and emotional ammo to defend themselves!
This book will:
♦ Give your favorite teen a defense against "dumbed-down" schooling
♦ Guard a child against the culture of "mental illness" and excess medication
♦ Teach the value of freedom and self-reliance through vivid example, not lectures
♦ Show your child why it's foolish to be disarmed
♦ Bring your child closer to your view of freedom
♦ Help any child who reads it grow into a more self-reliant adult, less likely to become dependent on either you or the programs of the nanny state
And it will do it all in the form of a thrilling story about a teenage boy with a big dream in a world where freedom has been forgotten.
Buy "RebelFire: Out of the Gray Zone" for just $19.95 postage paid. Let us send it with a "Secret Rebel" note. Then stand back, keep quiet ... and consider your mystery gift a very inexpensive investment in a very important child's future.
Join the secret rebellion now: (http://www.rebelfirerock.com - sorry, site has expired)
The Liberty Crew
* Thank you to our friend and fellow author Richard W. Stevens for the Secret Rebel idea.