Randall Dunning, Mayor Pro Tem of the city of Garland, Texas, alerted
us to this piece of legislation introduced to the Garland City Council.
It contains two very strong pro-Second Amendment resolutions, one
of which is a "Castle Doctrine" resolution.
The "Castle Doctrine" essentially states that one's home
is inviolate, a place of safety and refuge. As such, one should not
be expected to retreat from an attack within one's home before resorting
to the use of force to repel the attacker.
You can read the full text of the bill at: http://www.ci.garland.tx.us/NR/rdonlyres/2B9C3CCD-ABD3-4F2B-8CEE-ECDE66C591C6/0/2007resolegislation.pdf
(note this is a PDF document). The Castle Doctrine and a related CCL
Protection resolution are items 4 and 5 in that document.
Mayor Pro Tem Dunning truly believes in fighting for our Second Amendment
rights; he is an inspiration to us all.
- The Liberty Crew