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June 26, 2007

Do You Know Who Your Friends Are?

Do you know who your friends are? You might be surprised. JPFO wants to help you find out, so we're introducing a series of handbills for you to use, absolutely free (for non-commercial purposes).

Our first handbill comes just in time for Independence Day. Go to to view Uncle Sam stating it plainly: "True Americans Don't Tolerate 'Gun Control' Laws"!

This image can be saved to your computer (right-click and choose "save as" to download it) where you can print it out or email it. Show it to your friends and watch their reaction. Do they smile ... or frown? True Second Amendment absolutists will grin, but the "reasonable gun control folks" -- the compromisers -- won't find it so amusing.

More of these handbills will follow, as a way to help wake people up and get them involved in getting rid of "gun control" and all the evils associated with it.

- The Liberty Crew

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