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America's Most Aggressive Defender
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November 19th 2008

BATFE Loses in Court Again


It was a tough fight, but the Elliot family's American spirit and a true grit won the day. We encourage you to listen to our latest Talkin' to America interview with Leonard Elliot and learn more about protecting yourself against the "GovCrims".

Go to our Talkin' to America Page or straight to the sound file download.

Listen to how BATFE "deals" were done with a snitch - all part of the tricks that an organization uses to try and destroy gun ownership in America - tactics the KGB and a modern day 'Gestapo' would be proud of. You will soon get a feel for the methods of BATFE abuse and realize they have but one mission - to disarm America.

Don't forget to watch JPFO's "The Gang Movie"- the groundbreaking documentary exposing how the BATFE harasses, oppresses, intimidates, and terrifies small businesses and decent citizens - available at JPFO Store - and trailer on YouTube.


The Liberty Crew

JPFO will be giving away a FREE DVD copy of our 2A film with all memberships, orders or donations of $25.00 dollars or more.  This high quality film may be copied and widely distributed (non commercial use only).   JPFO Store.

2A Today for The USA on JPFO - View and/or download the film.

Remember to check out all JPFO's movies

The Liberty Crew

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