JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027Phone (800) 869-1884
Fax (425) 451-3959The U.S. Congress is not anxious for you to read this letter.
What makes it possible to have a Happy Hanukkah or a Merry Christmas in America?The freedoms to practice religion, to speak freely, to sing glorious praises to the Creator ... to be secure from government oppression.
On what solid rock do these freedoms stand? The Bill of Rights.
A shining jewel nestled between the Hanukkah and Christmas holidays, Bill of Rights Day falls on Tuesday, December 15. We at JPFO have talked about it, written about it, promoted it. Our supporters have gotten eighteen states and local governments to proclaim it a special day. South Dakota even made it a state working holiday.
Now we must individually celebrate Bill of Rights Day. Every JPFO member and supporter should sit down with a child, grandchild, niece or nephew, boy or girl scout -- and talk about the Bill of Rights. Show the kids a copy -- it's available at the JPFO website.
Read Gran'pa Jack's "Common Sense" to the kids. That booklet talks about every single right protected by the Bill of Rights ... in terms kids understand.
If you have been waiting for the just the right time to give someone a copy of Gran'pa Jack's "Common Sense," then Bill of Rights Day is the perfect time.
JPFO members and supporters are standing up for the Bill of Rights where other rights groups seem to be silent. Although the NRA, and others agreed at the Gun Rights Policy Conference this year to support Bill of Rights Day, none of them appear to be doing anything about it at all.Other things you can do: Write a short note to your local newspaper, telling them about Bill of Rights Day. Use ideas from the JPFO website. Call a local radio talk show, and tell the host the simple fact that December 15 is Bill of Rights Day. Emphasize that you support "all of the Bill of Rights for all citizens."
Remember that familiar figure of the older boy carrying the youngster on his back, with the phrase "He ain't heavy ... he's my brother!" Let's adopt that same outlook about cherishing our Bill of Rights on December 15 -- "It ain't heavy ... it's our heritage!"
You can download a copy of the Bill of Rights from You can order Gran'pa Jack's "Common Sense" using Our Fast Secure On-line Order System.
It is not too late. Do it right now!
The Liberty Crew at JPFO
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