JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027Phone (800) 869-1884
Fax (425) 451-3959
April 10, 2000 Be A Smart Mom -- Oppose the Million Victim March
Help abort a victim disarmament propaganda blitz!
By now most JPFO supporters know about the "Million Mom March" planned to take place in Washington, DC on Mother's Day, May 14, 2000. The goals of the MMM are to get legislation to mandate:
- Cooling off periods
- Background checks
- Licensing of all handgun owners
- Registering all handguns
- Requiring "safety locks" for all handguns
- Limiting purchases to one handgun per month.
To learn more about the MMM's demands, click on
How can we persuade people to oppose the MMM?
(1) Join and support financially the Armed Informed Mothers March -- a project of the Second Amendment Sisters. Click on
The Armed Mothers is a serious movement to counteract the MMM. The Armed Mothers will demonstrate in Washington, D.C. and other cities. The more people who show up, the better.
(2) Donate bundles of Gran'pa Jack booklets to the Armed Mothers so that they can distribute them at the demonstration. (Or bring them with you to Washington, D.C. or other march location on Mother's Day.)
We suggest donating either "Gun Control Kills Kids" (#1) or "Gun Control Is Racist" (#4). Already other supporters have donated two thousand booklets to the cause ... many more are needed.
Order Gran'pa Jack #1 at
Order Gran'pa Jack #4 at
(3) Boycott sponsors of the MMM. (See the list on their website). Not only refuse to patronize those sponsors, but send them a letter, fax, or e-mail saying why.
(4) Use the book Dial 911 and Die to show that disarming citizens leaves them defenseless. (order at Unarmed citizens are foolish to depend solely upon police who don't have an obligation to protect them. Dial 911 and Die has the facts and laws for all 50 states -- use the information to:
(a) Write letters to the newspapers opposing the MMM
(b) Persuade a "mom" or other person to stay home and not support the MMM(5) Circulate the "Top 10 Undisputed Facts" handout via Internet and any other method you have:
Top 10 Undisputed Facts About How "Sensible Gun Control" Affects Crime
1. Violent criminals don't use trigger locks.
2. Violent criminals don't get government-mandated firearms training.
3. Violent criminals don't undergo background checks.
4. Violent criminals don't "cool off" several days before buying a gun.
5. Violent criminals don't limit their purchases to one gun per month.
6. Violent criminals get guns from people who don't care about safety training.
7. Violent criminals don't license their guns.
8. Violent criminals don't register themselves as "gun owners" with the government.
9. Violent criminals are afraid of armed defenders, not of restraining orders and gun laws.
10. Violent criminals smile when their victims can't get or use defensive sidearms quickly.
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