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Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
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November 11, 2003 Celebrate the Values Our Vets Fought For
Today, November 11, is Veterans Day in the United States. To truly honor those who fought for freedom, let's do more than take the day off work. Let's thank our soldiers, past and present. Then let's show them that "thanks" isn't merely a word.
Thank them by making (or renewing) an unshakable commitment to live by the Bill of Rights. This is the greatest honor we can pay our protectorsto respect, promote, and continue to protect the core freedoms they fought to preserve. They saved our freedoms. Can we do any less than hold on to such a precious gift?
Here are just a few things anyone can do to make a commitment to freedom this Veterans Day and throughout the year:
1. Read the Bill of Rights to children and explain the meaning of each amendment to them. (You'll find the BofR, with brief modern English explanations on the JPFO site at
2. Send copies of the Bill of Rights in their own languages to your friends and relatives around the world. (Choose from 11 languages at
3. Start meetings or homeschooling sessions by reciting The Freedom Pledge (
4. Reach out to people in different parts of the political spectrum. Although you may have many differences, left, right, and libertarian can find common ground in the Bill of Rights. (
5. Each Veterans Day, re-read the "Open Letter to Our Fathers and Grandfathers: You Won the Battle But Lost the War." (
6. And every year, celebrate Bill of Rights Day on December 15. Make it a community celebration, and a meaningful one. We have free materials on our Web site to show you how. (
Salute our vets! Then show them how deeply you cherish the gift they bought with their lives, their sweat, and their blood.
Love freedomand stay free.
The Liberty Crew
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