June 19th 2013

Charles Heller discusses the 50 BMG Draw


Charles Heller, JPFO's Executive Director, was a guest on Armed American Radio with host Mark Walters, Saturday June 16th 2013. Guests also included were Larry Pratt of GOA, David Codrea, and Neil McCabe.

We have an edited section sound file (player below, 7 minutes), covering the announcement of JPFO's draw (now closed) for the superb .50 caliber 1-of-1 rifle made by Serbu Firearms out of Tampa, Florida. Charles outlines aspects of the draw details as well as explaining some of the rifle's various features. He finishes by adding some 'interesting' suggestions.

Until the 1,000 chances are sold (they are going fast!), the store page for purchase is here. This sound file is also available on JPFO's "Talkin' to America" page.

Charles Heller on Armed American Radio.

Got a 50 BMG Draw chance yet? --
Buy a chance

Refer to the "Sandy Hook Index" for an archive collection of valuable material we have shown since the events at the Newtown Elementary School.

Check out Gun/Murder Statistics: A set of tabulated and graphical data showing relationships between gun numbers and murders - categorized by alphabetical countries listing. Useful research material.

Thought for the day -- "Isn't it strange that after a bombing, everyone blames the bomber ... but after a shooting, the problem is the Gun ! "

Yours in Freedom, The Liberty Crew at JPFO
Protecting you by creating solutions to destroy "gun control"

"Waco a New Revelation".
Purchase the DVD direct from the JPFO Store

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