February 27th 2014

Illinois Attacks Freedom! Every Gun Maker
& Gun Owner Should Leave Illinois Now!

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"Gun Control is not Kosher", returns -- latest AR-15 Draw.
25th Anniversary Special -- package with special signed books and t-shirt.
The Main 25th Anniversary Page-- superb knives to be won.
"Waco a New Revelation" DVD -- now only $12.95 on close out.
"Gun Control in the Third Reich" -- book, copies still available.


It had seemed that, at long last, Illinois was beginning to become gun-friendly, and come around as CCW was finally passed. Now however we learn that there is a proposal to basically stab every law abiding gun owner in the back.

The plan is that every firearm in the state should be registered - all this on top of the crazy FOID card that is mandated in order to simply own a firearm. Now however we can also add a real sting in the tail -- apart from the registration scheme itself, it seems also that to purchase ammo it would have to be shown that there must be a registered gun owned capable of firing the ammo wanting to be purchased!

The message seems to be - get the heck out of Illinois -->

Back by popular demand is the JPFO window sticker - 3½ x 3½ in size and the adhesive is placed such that adhesion can be to the inside of glass, thus keeping it out of the elements. It is now available from the JPFO Store - get yours today.

Refer to the "Sandy Hook Index" for an archive collection of valuable material accrued during the months following the events at the Newtown Elementary School.

Yours in Freedom, The Liberty Crew at JPFO
Protecting you by creating solutions to destroy "gun control"

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