November 18th 2014
This doesn't appear to have had the substantial media coverage it deserves, although several emails have been bringing it to light. Leaving aside the sheer lack of compassion with such behavior it also seems to ignore any aspects of legitimate inheritance. As so often, one of the main justifications given is - "getting guns off the streets" - just one of many lame 'excuses'.
A plan by police in Buffalo, N.Y., to begin confiscating the firearms of legal gun owners within days of their deaths is drawing fire from Second Amendment advocates.
The plan is legal under a longstanding, but rarely enforced state law, but gun rights advocates say, with apologies to onetime NRA spokesman Charlton Heston, it is tantamount to prying firearms - some of which may have substantial monetary or sentimental value - from the cold, dead hands of law-abiding citizens.
"They're quick to say they're going to take the guns," said Tom King, president of the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association. "But they don't tell you the law doesn't apply to long guns, or that these families can sell [their loved one's] pistol or apply to keep it."............ -->
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