November 20th 2014
"Community" policing appears to be a thing of the past - with these days the accent being on militarization and area occupation. The 'excuse' given of course is all to do with the "War on Terror". Think back to Boston, May 2013, and also the "Baby Burning" SWAT episode - some past comments on the way things have changed.
Thomas Nolan
The war on terror has essentially turned police into occupying armies in some American communities, said a police and criminology expert.
Thomas Nolan, an associate professor of criminology at Merrimack College and former senior policy analyst with the Department of Homeland Security, said the focus of police work had shifted greatly since he was a Boston police officer in the 1980s and 1990s.
"I remember it being drilled into me as a police officer, as a sergeant and then as a lieutenant: partnership, problem-solving, and prevention -- the three Ps," Nolan said Wednesday during a panel sponsored by the American Constitution Society............ -->
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