April 3rd 2015
Occasionally we bring back an earlier article of particular merit and significance - this is one such, from late 2012. Larry Correia, author of this outstanding work, is a professional novelist with long roots in firearms instruction, shooting competition, as well as having owned a gun store.
He writes in great detail about numerous aspects of "gun control" in this 5 part article. For those who have seen it, it is well worth another read and, for those who have not, it is highly recommended.
I didn't want to post about this, because frankly, it is exhausting. I've been having this exact same argument for my entire adult life. It is not an exaggeration when I say that I know pretty much exactly every single thing an anti-gun person can say. I've heard it over and over, the same old tired stuff, trotted out every single time there is a tragedy on the news that can be milked. Yet, I got sucked in, and I've spent the last few days arguing with people who either mean well but are uninformed about gun laws and how guns actually work (who I don't mind at all), or the willfully ignorant (who I do mind), or the obnoxiously stupid who are completely incapable of any critical thinking deeper than a Facebook meme (them, I can't stand)...... -->
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