August 25th 2015
"To prevent criminals from obtaining guns, they must be caught in possession, as hard as that is, which is why they are – and remain armed – historically, and possessed of other contraband despite laws to the contrary. Burdening the innocent, and drastically curtailing currently enjoyed freedoms will not improve the situation and are intolerable acts."
A Gun-Transfer Ban For Everytown Means Death To Liberty.
Half the media doesn’t even know it’s deceiving you when it talks about so-called “universal background check” bills. The other half knows it’s lying.
They know this code phrase means a national gun-transfer ban, plus universal gun registration – total government control over all guns held privately in America.
Without total registration, universal background checks don’t work. A comprehensive gun-owner list is the whole point of getting falsely reported “background bills” passed. One man – multi-billionaire former NYC mayor Mike Bloomberg – is pushing the bills and funding operations, with shell corporations, hired hands, advertising, federal cooperation and mountains of his cash........ -->
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