August 31st 2015

Slain Reporter's Father Pushing Gun Control
That Wouldn't Have Saved His Daughter


With the awful tragedy of this man's daughter's untimely death, along with the camera man Adam - it is totally understandable that he "wants something done". However, his call for more gun laws is of course the usual knee-jerk reaction which would do nothing to stop evil. Note the full article's last paragraph! --

“According to the Huffington Post, Andy believes his gun control push could prove dangerous, thus he is getting a gun for protection. Andy said he cannot "take any chances."”

By AWR Hawkins. 30th August 2015

Beginning August 26 -- the very day that WDBJ reporter Alison Parker was gunned down -- her father, Andy Parker, made clear that he is dedicating himself to gun control and that he is sick of "coward" politicians who do not support more gun laws.

In just over four days he has gone from pushing to close so-called loopholes in background checks, to supporting the expansion of background checks, to supporting more regulations on gun show sales, to supporting the implementation of "gun violence restraining" orders throughout the country. Regarding the latter, he admits that gun violence restraining orders wouldn't have saved his daughter's life, but he is determined to push them anyway.

The push began on August 26 when Fox News' Megyn Kelly gave Andy carte blanche to set forth his gun control desires. During the airing of The Kelly File, Kelly asked Parker to share his "message" -- ...... -->

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