Armed protesters from around the state and beyond rallied in Downtown Pittsburgh on Monday against local-level gun control regulations currently being considered by Pittsburgh City Council.
Hundreds attended in a show of solidarity against legislation that confronts head-on a statewide ban on municipal regulation of firearms. The open carry protest began at noon outside the City-County Building on Grant Street and lasted just over an hour.
The legislation includes a proposed ban on assault weapons in Pittsburgh, a prohibition on bump stocks and large capacity magazines, and would allow the courts to temporarily confiscate firearms from a person deemed an "extreme risk."
Following the press release yesterday of JPFO's statement for the rally, this is one report of the event with many photographs and a video clip. Apart from the protest at Pittsburgh's anti Second Amendment plans, there is the matter of preemption, whereby municipalities cannot just decide to make up their own gun laws going against the state constitution. 2019 will be a year where many attempts are likely to be made towards increased 'gun control', requiring much awareness and the need to counter infringements.