In an editorial, the Washington post calls on Senate Majority Leader McConnell to "Do something".
The editorial lists names of people killed in the last 20 years in mass public murders that involve guns. All of them easily fit on less than one page of the Post. The writer calls for action, out of emotion, and nothing else but emotion. From the Washington post:
The list below, far from comprehensive, is tragic, in part, because it is so far from inevitable. No, no single law would end gun violence. But there are reasonable, obvious measures that would help. For example: Ban the sale of military-grade assault weapons. Unneeded by civilians, they are a blight on the nation, their ready availability a national disgrace. Eliminating them would slow the growth of this list. It would save lives.
There are many falsehoods and mis-statements of fact in the above paragraph. It is unknown what a "military-grade" assault weapon is. No "assault weapons" used in the U.S. military are readily available for sale to U.S. residents. The AR-15 semi-automatics sold in the United States are not issued to the U.S. military, nor are AK47 semiautomatic clones. Details are important in legislation.
It is far from obvious that an obviously unconstitutional ban on "military-grade" "assault weapons" would reduce mass public killings one iota.