12500 N.E. Tenth Place • Bellevue, WA 98005 • JPFO.org • 800-869-1884 • info@jpfo.org
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  •  October 27, 2020  •  Contact: Floyd Neeland

Dangerous, felony gun advice goes nationwide—

"Just shoot him in the leg"

JPFO condemns Joe Biden's illegal dangerous advice.

What may be worse, mass media failed to inform the public—
Don't they know it's illegal to shoot to wound people?


This is the same man who suggested firing a shotgun blast through a closed door.
The mandatory gun safety rule is: "Know your target before squeezing the
trigger."Joe Biden—and mass media—apparently need better understanding here:

Although Joe Biden demonstrated a nearly complete lack of knowledge about firearms law, firearms safety, self defense and crime-prevention tactics, he has never been questioned on these subjects by mass media. The words "Second Amendment" get invoked periodically, followed by familiar wedge-issue talking points, and substantive detail never emerges. The paucity of understanding exhibited in these displays, not just "gaffes" that can be written off with chuckles, but careless ignorance and apparent willingness to act upon it, should alarm you. Based on the few statements he has made, it is not unfair to speculate that Joe Biden would be unsafe at a shooting range with a cocked pistol fully loaded with live ammo, and a paper target downrange. Yes, the very thought put a chill through us too.

Joe Biden suggested committing felonies with firearms to a national audience. JPFO recommends contacting our spokesperson and firearms expert Charles Heller to explain why those are both dangerous felonies, and better ways to handle similar situations. Mr. Biden's encouragement to make noise shooting a gun up into the air is a specific criminal act.

"While it's legal to use deadly force to defend yourself in the most dire circumstance, it's never legal to intentionally wound someone. If you truly believe your life is at immediate risk, the last thing you want to attempt is the most difficult shot known—hitting a moving human limb in the fractions of a second where such a shot could be legally fired at a killer assaulting you. Given his statements, I suspect Joe Biden couldn't even recite the basic three gun safety rules."
–Alan Korwin, Co-Author, Supreme Court Gun Cases

Although websites were awash in chastising Joe for his foolishness, no one confronted the candidate with his unwise advice. For all we can tell, he still thinks shooting the legs out from under villains is a strategy. What sort of "news" media doesn't bring this up? This is bigger than the Second Amendment, which is merely a concept and words. This is iron and guns for G-d's sake! Will somebody speak to the man? Say what, he's holed up at home?


Support JPFO, Speaking truth to power:

“Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, http://www.jpfo.org is America’s most aggressive civil-rights organization, dedicated to destroying the notion of 'gun control' as any kind of credible public-policy position. So-called 'gun control' does not control guns and doesn’t control criminal behavior. What it does is disarm the innocent, leaving them helpless in the face of criminals, tyrannical governments and genocide. History repeatedly proves this fact. Founded in 1989 by Aaron Zelman as a response to the Holocaust, JPFO speaks with the moral authority and tenacious commitment of survivors of persecution, and knows that surrendering your personal and family safety to government protection courts disaster. You don’t have to be Jewish to fight by our side, you just have to love liberty.”