School murders and guns - a personal view


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By John Overland. February 2018

I am somewhat hesitant to jump into the fray regarding the murders at Parkland and the issue of gun control but the issue is such that simply sharing a few posts from like-minded friends doesn't address the issue.

Full disclosure: I am pro-Second Amendment. I grew up with guns, have had access to them since I was around ten years old and I have served in two professions which depended upon my proficiency in a wide range of weaponry (even artillery). Lest a reader conclude that I am indifferent to the horror that occurred at Parkland, I served thirteen years in a profession in which I was responsible for protecting the innocent. Indeed, most of my friends on this website devoted their entire lives to such a career. Many have died or been wounded themselves in such service. So I am hardly indifferent to the suffering of these innocents.

The question that I have been asked the most about the Second Amendment since moving here (NY) is "Why do we want guns?" I suppose the answer is twofold: one, for me and many of my friends they are cultural. As I did, most of my friends grew up with them, many hunted with them, and I enjoy shooting them. Another and deeper reason is because I am acutely aware that there is human evil in the world. The self-appointed sophisticates may sneer, but I am convinced that it is only the evil heart that takes delight in the killing of any person, and especially of children in a school. In any event, when it comes to my family I am the first line of defense, and it behooves me to be ready and able to meet force with force should the need arise.

I am also wary of those who tell me I should rely on the government for protection. There are simply not enough police to proactively protect everyone and recent history is replete with examples of police responding too late. For those of us who remember the Rodney King riots, it is worth remembering that LA and California law enforcement were overwhelmed simply with dealing with the mob violence, and I remember the newspaper photos of citizens arming themselves to protect themselves and their property. By the way, if you think that such chaos could not happen again and certainly not on a national level, then you haven't been paying attention to the Antifa.

Does any of this mean we do nothing? Of course not. One of the many postings I see here daily are of warning signs at schools that their faculty and staff are armed and will protect their children. One of my prior posts if of the Israeli response after the murders at Ma'alot. But for those intent on gun control, I am enough of a federalist to say that if the people of a state want gun control they should have it through their legislatures. No argument from me, I'll happily move. Likewise, if the people of another state want to provide maximum Second Amendment liberty for their citizens, that's their right too.

I do, however reject out of hand the notion that the only response we can or should consider nationally is 'gun control', especially as such a proposal comes mainly from those adhering to Rahm Emanuel's maxim to "never let a crisis go to waste."


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