What Does "AR" Stand For?
(Hint … It's a Diagnosis and a Prescription)

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William Barclay Masterson. October 7, 2021

If you guessed "Assault Rifle" or "Automatic Rifle," you'd have lots of company. Most Democrats, Lefties, Statists, Progressives, or American Marxists (as we now call them thanks to "The Great One," Mark Levin), certainly believe that these are the machine guns that are all over our city streets and account for most murders. Now tell me the truth, did you believe any of that definition? If so, you'd be wrong on all counts along with all the people I mentioned! "AR" stands for a company called "ArmaLite Rifle." They developed these and other rifles way back in the 1950's. Machine guns are fully-automatic, cost a small fortune to get a license for, and the very extensive background check time is about 9 months! The reality is, an AR is a semi-automatic, anything but a machine gun. If I stopped writing right now, you would already know more than half the country and most politicians (including lawmakers) about AR's, mostly because of the Left-wing propaganda machine that endlessly gins up misinformation aimed at a thirsty Kool-Aid drinking public. And that's the truth!

Well, that's my intro. But I promised you a diagnosis and a prescription. So maybe, and with all respect to the ArmaLite Rifle company, I just may have a very different answer for you, to my "What Does AR Stand For?" question. So dear reader, keep on reading. I promise you a very valuable answer, one that will be well worth your time to study.

Let's begin with a very basic, easy to remember A, B, C, 2D diagnosis. The question is, why are so many Kool-Aid drinking people so grossly uninformed about the Second Amendment and its inseparable mate, day-to-day politics? WHY?

A – Apathy. Too many people, as simply as stupidly, just don't give a damn. They don't know they don't know, they don't know. They don't care. Too busy always doing things and filling time. The key word there is always. Too busy working, golfing, bowling, swimming, boating, vacationing, Skyping, FaceTiming, watching back-to-back football games and soap operas in the day, and watching America's Got Talent at night, it really doesn't matter what. And truthfully, that's all well and good. It's called LIFE. The problem is, they are ALWAYS BUSY. They are what I call TIME FILLERS. They fill time. They always have to be doing something. Anything. And it never stops! They NEVER STOP! Their APATHY is exacerbated by their always doing vs. stopping imbalance. As a result, these people are CHRONICALLY UNINFORMED. Watching the Regime Media's news, PMSNBC, MSLSD, the Constipated News Network, the Pure B S channel, the National Pubic Radio channel, the Morning Shmo, or reading the New York Slimes or the Washington Compost not only doesn't count, rather it permanently cements the misinformation in from Left-wing hacks, kooks, clowns, and flat out liars who are actually very good at what they do. The fact is, far too many people never have the unfilled time to spend even one hour a day watching or listening to a source of quality, accurate news and analysis that isn't meant for Kool-Aid drinkers who haven't got a clue they don't have a clue. They only think they do. And if you dare to bring up this vitally important issue of daily assault on our rights, freedom and liberty, our very way of life in America, they will predictably dig in, deny, deflect, and defend themselves. After all, it's all about them. They will not believe anything you say. It's hopeless! If they know how, they will punish you. And they demonstrably will not know anything truthful when it comes to anything related to the Second Amendment and political news. I call it ignorance on parade. For an impressive further analysis, see my article on hoplophobia.

B – Blur. People live their lives in a blur. We all get dragged into it! Like gravity, it's the law. It's caused by a constant called the speed of life. And it's getting worse and worse, faster and faster. Without stopping and pausing now and then during waking hours (for meditation, self-hypnosis, Mozart, poetry, prayer, the Sabbath, even just a few hourly deep breaths, etc.), the blur will chronically win out. It most often does, and seriously so, for far too many. We live in a hurried, worried, rushed, pandemic of blur. Our mind becomes like Superman (in a negative way), faster than a speeding bullet. As a result, we talk too fast (aren't easily understood), don't listen carefully (we miss important spoken information), and our vision gets rushed and contorted into that dreaded blur (we miss important visual information). Needless to say, this diminishes and can even destroy the quality of life for both us and the people we are with. It can ruin personal development, relationships, and careers!

C – Certainty. When apathetic people get overloaded and overwhelmed by the blur, causes and conditions exist that can naturally breed the illusion of certainty. Why? Because people tend to naturally create thoughts and beliefs based on their own experiences. And because these are largely of their own creation, they naturally assume they are true. It just feels right and comfortable to do so. Maybe they are true, maybe they aren't. But over time, people invest a whole lot of time and energy believing they are. This level of mental investment can get very personal and emotional. Thoughts and beliefs get deeply rooted in what I call "cognitive concrete." And below that concrete is a "bottomless pit of quicksand." My point is, thoughts and beliefs can get deeply entrenched, hardened, and very difficult if not impossible to change. What would Freud insist comes next?

D 1 – Denial. The job of this most famous defense mechanism is very simple. Protect any challenges, at all costs, to long held established thoughts and beliefs! This explains, for example, why a hardened Leftist just knows that "it's the damn guns" that cause crime. And if those damn guns could once and for all, finally, all be confiscated from law-abiding citizens, we'd all instantly be able to live together, in perfect peace and harmony. The fact is, they don't believe in the Second Amendment, they don't believe that the right to self-defense comes from G-d, they don't want you to have a gun because they don't trust you, they don't even believe in the right of self-defense!

D 2 – Distraction. When wholly apathetic people live in a constant unsettled blur, are quite certain their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are all true, and they are ready to deny any and all challenges to the contrary, we find ourselves facing a second D. From the blur stage on, people can get chronically distracted from paying with their attention, in order to really pay attention, to the daily onslaught against us, and that seals their fate. It takes regularly dedicated quality time and attention each day, or at least most days, to be able to pay attention to quality news and analysis outlets to even begin to be in a position to cut through all the political spin and propaganda that masquerades as news. And the Left is oh so expert at it! So, if one is just too damn busy being busy, they will not know much of anything actually truthful, and never see what is happening and getting worse every day on so many fronts, including what is planned for the Second Amendment. The Left just lies and covers it all up, way too easily, and way too well. Mr. and Mrs. Joey Bagadonuts who are always too busy, will never have a chance and always be fooled, by all the lies and fake news.

Therefore, half the country is drunk on Kool-Aid, hates (yes HATES!) you, thinks of you as a domestic terrorist (Biden and company agree), and doesn't know anything even remotely resembling a statistical fact or truth about firearms in the hands of responsible, law-abiding citizens. They hate you, despise you, and wouldn't trust you in 100 years, within 100 miles of a loaded firearm.

And that's my A, B, C, 2D diagnosis. What's my prescription? One word …

R – Responsibility. American citizens have an innate responsibility to protect and safeguard our rights, freedom and liberty, our very way of life, from all forms of tyrannical government, foreign and domestic. Imagine if a White House and Congress began unashamedly doing everything wrong! I'm talking absolute, blatant sabotage! Imagine if they were deliberately striving to do a Cloward and Piven "overload, collapse, destroy, blame, seize, and transform the system from within" takedown by managing the collapse and dismantling of our culture, our economy and all economic engines, the best medical system in the world, our educational system, our voting system, the family, religion, free speech, Second Amendment, you name it! Imagine if our complete and total American way of life was hanging in the balance, including our Second Amendment! Well, imagine no more. It is brazenly happening, RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!

My one-word prescription is very simple: RESPONSIBILITY. We must choose either APATHY or RESPONSIBILITY. And that, in this paper/future lecture, is what "AR" stands for! APATHY or RESPONSIBILITY. Which will it be? It's up to each citizen to decide which they will choose. That is the question. Which will you choose?

Far too many Americans, including an alarming number of pro-Second Amendment people, are apathetic. They are so lazy, oblivious or stupid, they just don't have it in them to get off their sorry asses and get involved, in some way, in any way, and fight back politically. Instead, they do nothing. Their bitching doesn't count. They fail to take RESPONSIBILITY for fighting for our G-d given right to defend ourselves. They are so pathetically weak, they play right into the hands of our enemy, the enemy of freedom and liberty, the very tyrants who live to disarm us and keep us all helpless, so we can be more easily herded around like a bunch of defenseless, passive sheep. "Baaaa!"

On October 27, 1964, President Reagan said: "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."

And later, on July 6, 1987, President Reagan said: "We [have] come to a time for choosing. The choice [is] between freedom and increasing state control. It is time that we ask ourselves if we still know the freedoms that were intended for us by the Founding Fathers and if we will pass on to these young people the freedoms we knew in our youth, because freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. It has to be fought for and defended by each generation."

On January 17, 1961, President Eisenhower said "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together."

On September 17, 1787 (according to a 1787 journal kept by James McHenry, a delegate from Maryland), as the delegates left the Constitutional Convention in Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Benjamin Franklin was asked by Mrs. Elizabeth Willing Powel of Philadelphia "what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" Franklin famously replied, "A republic, if you can keep it."

Sadly, all three of these great patriots were right, their precognitive fears 100% warranted. Today, now more than ever before in our nation's history, we are under attack from within! The idea is as terrifyingly diabolical as can be. It has come in many variants, most famously Karl Marx's The Communist Manifesto (1848). It has had different names and been the dream of many, but thanks to Mark Levin, it's now most accurately called American Marxism.

Here is their plan, in a very simplistic nutshell …

In an American Marxist managed Cloward and Piven "overload, collapse, destroy, blame, seize, and transform the system from within" takedown by managing the collapse and dismantling of our culture, the tyrannical regime will take down America from within to help create "a much fairer and just system worldwide." As a result, the middle class and most everything and everyone else, by design, will get greatly diminished and "transformed," with much and many necessarily being destroyed. It's all for the "greater good," the "collective." The individual is immaterial. Death to the individual. Long live the collective.

This is called "The New Normal" and is part of "The Great Reset." What was normal just a year ago may now be legislated and regulated away. For example, our Second Amendment inalienable, G-d given rights (not government granted privileges), will be horrifically altered, become ridiculously cost and/or procedurally prohibitive, or gone altogether. This will include confiscation of most or even all of our legally purchased and long owned firearms.

Many of our businesses, savings and retirement accounts, investments, properties, people's very lives, hopes and dreams, may necessarily be similarly shattered. The massive out of control, deliberate, purposeful invasion of illegals (future Democrats who broke the law by coming here illegally) will be sent to purple and red states. Why? To flip them blue come election time. Everyone will be so needy, they will line up to accept the waiting bait and suckle at the government teat (really taxpayers' money). It's of course happening already and will only continue to get much worse and even more pervasive, in so many more ways! To paraphrase Al Jolson, "folks … you ain't seen nothing yet."

The finish of this con game is very simple. We've seen it all before, but this time, it's on a much larger scale; the creation of yet another needy underclass of Democrat voters. And that means sky high taxes to pay for all the programs and freebies, so people will keep voting for the party that pays them for their vote. Free food, lodging, education, medical, driver's license, citizenship, right to vote, etc. And you will have to pay for all of it! Or are you a racist? Are you a white supremist? Do you hate children? And on and on.

What's the result? The Democrats will never lose another election. Remember, it's all about getting and keeping POWER and CONTROL. That is ALL that matters to a tyrannical regime. Nothing and no one else. Grab the power, steal it any way necessary, and keep it at all costs! Punish and destroy all dissenters. Ruin them, destroy them, isolate them, shame them, shun them, cancel them, and otherwise break them personally, financially, and psychologically. When confronted by an occasional embarrassing fact or truth, lie, lie, lie, all day long. Not to worry, the Regime Media will cover it up, as they do today and have been for years.

From the ashes of a thoroughly divided, broken, and tortured country, the Regime will then ride to the rescue and take control of everything. That was, of course, the whole point all along. It explains all the distraction and dirty tricks to endlessly divide people, create eternal racial hatred, venomous envy of other people's savings, businesses, homes ("you didn't build that"), a hatred of capitalism itself.

Then in 2020, there were all those many months of rioting, looting, and destruction that went mysteriously excused, Black Lives Matter (an openly Marxist front) behind much of it, irrational hatred of all police that could have prevented or stopped it, and so forth and so on. Why was all this insanity tolerated? Because Marxists need chaos! Why? Because CHAOS breeds FEAR. Fear breeds DEPENDENCE. And dependence breeds OBEDIENCE. Marxists never want to see successful, armed individuals thriving in freedom and liberty. No! Instead, they must create the conditions that produce a needy, unarmed collective that they can then rule over. That's why they hate the police, riot control, etc. And that's why everything seems to be wrong … because it is! Chaos, fear, dependence and obedience is their formula. Sit down, shut up, just take it and obey is their desired result!

Covid sealed the deal, the ultimate divider (jab or no jab, job or no job, mask or no mask) and destroyer of so much and so many. And that's the bare truth of it, in a very simplistic nutshell. No exaggeration on my part. I really hope you're paying attention and reading this with two wide open eyes.

Tyrants always confiscate citizen weaponry! Historically, that's a given. Tyrants always insist on forcing, bullying, and threatening people to accept their tyranny no matter what, especially when they have guns pointed at necessarily unarmed subjects (as opposed to citizens who have the option of being armed). We The People have nothing left but a belief in a constitution whose laws are being broken and violated with virtually every wrong, illegal decision the tyrants keep making.

Tragically, today, we are seriously losing the battle. We aren't leaning over and looking into a giant abyss. We are already standing waist deep in it.

RESPONSIBILITY is our only hope. We have to fight back and slowly claw our way back out of the abyss. And here is where the correct answer to my AR question is most clearly mandatory. More American citizens need to wake up (not woke up) and make the only responsible choice and accept their innate responsibility! If they don't, we will lose. Truthfully, I pray it isn't too late already.

So, do we (1) let APATHY win out and swallow us up so we can be ruled, controlled, and dominated like a bunch of passive sheep who dishonor the many thousands of patriotic heroes who have given their lives so we can be free? Do we just give up and become lazy pathetic losers who remain stupid, superficial, and selfish sellouts for a pitiful short-term gain, so tyrants can crap all over our history of being an exceptional nation that always tries to be a more perfect union? Or do we (2) wake up and accept an American citizen's RESPONSIBILITY to safeguard our freedoms, exactly as President Reagan, President Eisenhower, and Ben Franklin warned that we must. It's our choice. Either we fight to remain free, or we forfeit our country to a bunch of power mad politicians who are a disgrace to America. The AR choice is between APATHY and RESPONSIBILITY. And it's now or never!

Whatever you are already doing to fight back, do more. Much more! And get others to do more too. Much more! You must be a Second Amendment advocate. Do something every day. Be like a modern-day Thomas Paine pamphleteer and help get the word out. Louder and more often! Call all your politicians and tell them you passionately care about your Second Amendment rights and demand they do everything in their power, in each and every interview, speech, and vote, to support this G-d given right of ours that does not come from government. Remind them that our right to defend ourselves comes from G-d, not man. The Second Amendment is meant to STOP the government, wayward politicians and lawmakers, from taking our rights away. They may have it backwards. Tell them if they let you down, you will do everything you can to either primary them or vote them out of office in favor of someone who will vote to keep the Second Amendment uninfringed. These issues always come down to voters and votes! Even RINO's always have their security detail. Tell them respectfully and assertively (not aggressively) who and what they are if they let you down, and what will happen to them if they do. This may be all they are capable of understanding.

To be more informed, watch or listen to Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, Dan Bongino, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, or Laura Ingraham. If you don't watch or listen to people of this caliber for at least one hour a day, I guarantee you, you will not know what is happening to you, your family and friends, and against our country each and every day. There is no possible way you could know. The Left's overload is simply too much, too fast, too often. And of course, that is by purposeful design. Remember: the Left knows exactly how to distract us and take us down. Damn them!

Anyone who thinks "oh, it will all work itself out" or "Masterson is an extremist or alarmist" is just wrong. Their ignorance has just voted for the party that will confiscate their weapons and leave them defenseless. I hope they will be happy with eventual one-party rule and unconstitutional domination. Damn them too, those useful idiots!

If there is one book in the world you need to read right now, it is AMERICAN MARXISM by Mark Levin. It will give you the very best analysis of what problems brought us here, and the best remedies and what to do about it. The Second Amendment is just one spoke in the wheel of American rights, liberty, and freedom. If we go backwards in time and history, from being armed citizens with rights from G-d, to unarmed subjects of an emperor with no clothes, the hub of the wheel will be gone, individual spokes will fly out every which way, and all will be lost. Swallow hard, because it could happen!

I am summoning you, right here, right now, to accept your responsibility as an American citizen and get more involved. I am summoning you and imploring you to join the fight! If you don't fight back, it's the same as not voting. I say as loudly as patriotically, shame on anyone who claims to care about our rights, liberty, and freedom, and is just too stupid and chooses apathy. Shame on such a person!

Biden gives our enemies in Afghanistan 85 billion dollars' worth of weaponry and yet wants to take away our legal firearms. What? He trusts them and distrusts us? That's insane! How dare he?! And frankly dear reader, if you choose apathy, how dare you?! I will not pretend to like, much less drink the Kool-Aid. I will not sit down, shut up, just take it and obey. I will not comply! Will you?

Biden's Democrat party is so obviously the American Marxist party. Their policies are right out of the Communist Manifesto. That's a fact! Biden and his administration are the enemies of the Constitution, and that includes our Second Amendment. They are the enemies of our rights, freedoms, and liberty. They must be fought back against hard and voted out of office. I can't put it any plainer.

So please, join me, President Reagan, President Eisenhower, Benjamin Franklin, and our Founding Fathers who mutually pledged to each other (and us) their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor, and all our fellow patriots and veterans who gave their eyes, limbs and lives for us, so we can keep on fighting, to keep the freedoms that are being so obviously threatened by this group of American Marxist bandits.



Without each and every citizen's RESPONSIBILITY to pay attention, stay informed, and faithfully do the very best they can to know what is going on in the political world run by so many clearly deeply flawed, misguided, and even senile human beings who have the power (not the right!) to ruin the citizenry and destroy our beloved country from within, we will lose. If we are not very careful, this tyrannical government currently in office and in search of unending POWER and CONTROL for generations to come, will win. If that happens, we will have failed. If that happens, we will have given Benjamin Franklin the wrong answer to his 1787 "if you can keep it" question. If that happens, we did not keep it. If that happens, we will have failed.

The GREAT RESET will have destroyed THE GREAT AMERICAN EXPERIMENT. America will be lost. APATHY will have won. And if that happens, G-d help us!

In a horrendously gut-wrenching sense, we may have already lost the country. It's possible. The tyrants have already planted the seeds of a one-party system by deliberately flooding the country with so many illegal (law-breaking) immigrants who will vote for the free stuff party, that we may end up with even more dependable voting blocs as in New York and California.

In truth, the lowly American (second class, white privileged, racist) citizenry no longer matters to the American Marxist tyrannical party. We are no longer their constituency. Beyond being a source of ever more "fair share" taxes, they don't care a whit or give a damn about us. The honest scale of potential voters will have long been mathematically altered into being a scam, an election con we simply can't win. Future elections will be even more rigged than we now know they were in 2016 and 2020. We have proof detailing how the media and Big Tech refused to cover the truth, and yet severely punished those who tried to tell it. The Deep Staters in government won the all-time biggest Gold Medal for lying their heads off, while the media, Big Tech, and many others won all the supporting medals, including the big brown one.

We're all being played, conned, and manipulated by the greatest bunch of absolutely shameless liars our country has ever witnessed. By peddling endless racial division and lying with fear and scare tactics about most everything, from the southern border to guns (and most everything else in between), this anti-America administration has already destroyed the dignity and sanctity, the civility and relative comfortableness that used to be a hallmark of American life. Why? Because these days, everything is used for political expediency, to either manipulate and control, gaslight, or cover up something else.

Our rights, freedoms, and liberty are being threatened or stolen every single day. If we don't fight this battle harder, win it to save our country, and soon, a once noble country of proud, patriotic armed citizens, will once again become disarmed, weak subjects, under the jackboots of the harshest, far and away most tyrannical political machine, we've ever seen. Oh, the humanity!

Thomas Jefferson
American Founding Father
Principal Author of the Declaration of Indepence (1776)
Third President of the United States (1801 – 1809)

Stay safe. Stay free.
Always at the ready.
Stay awake. Not woke.
And never give up your sidearm.

© 2021 Copyright William Barclay Masterson


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