SC School Teacher Tells Students It's
Constitutional for Cops to Confiscate Guns



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By Joshua Cook, September 18th, 2013
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South Carolina parents were furious this week after seeing questions regarding the Constitution – in particular the Second Amendment – as taught in their daughter's 8th grade history class. The daughter's teacher had given the class a pop quiz regarding the Constitution. Question 10 asked, "Mr. Jones' gun was confiscated at a police traffic stop, even though he had the proper permit and license of ownership of the gun. Is this Constitutional?" The student originally answered "no," but the teacher told daughter to change her answer to "yes." See picture below.

This is not a unique event. Just this week, another report emerged of an Advanced Placement (AP) textbook presenting a modified version of the

textbook's wording indicated that only police and military were allowed to have guns with the wording "The people have the right to keep and bear arms in a state militia."

AP textbooks and exams are created by the College Board, an organization which has participated in the implementation of Common Core, the already-invasive and controversial set of education "standards" organized for the Federal Government and pushed on states with financial incentives and a lack of transparency. People have already found disturbing lessons in the program, such as teaching children to argue on an emotional level to manipulate people into accepting social change.

This educational push for the modification of the Second Amendment comes at the time of an intense and multifaceted, nationwide battle over gun rights. This battle, prompted by the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting in Connecticut, has been fought in both the legislative and cultural spheres. Attorney General Eric Holder, however, was the first to indicate it should be brought into the educational sphere when he said people should be "brainwashed" about guns.

"I've also asked the school board to make a part of everyday some kind of anti-violence, anti-gun message," he said in the video. He went on to say "It's not enough to have a catchy ad on a Monday and then only do it every Monday. We need to do this every day of the week and really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way."

And ...

Bias in education has been in the spotlight multiple times since 2008. It's clear that there is a nationwide push to change the understanding of the Second Amendment in the next generation. Now parents are concerned that the school systems are being used to push a leftist agenda instead of educating students with the skills needed to excel in their careers.

UPDATE: Ben Swann has provided us an update on this story. He writes:

The parents of a South Carolina 8th grade student now say their daughter lied to them over a classroom discussion regarding the confiscation of guns.

On Wednesday September 18, concerned parents Braden and Andrea Gammon from South Carolina contacted Joshua Cook who writes for to express their concern regarding "Constitution Day" curriculum taught in their daughter's history class.

The Gammons became concerned when their daughter showed them what she learned in school. Below is the quiz, including question #10 pertaining to the U.S. Constitution:

Specifically, question #10 caused controversy because it asked if police have the right to confiscate a legally owned, permitted firearm at a traffic stop. One the worksheet, the Gammon's daughter had marked "No," but that answer was scratched out and replaced with the word "Yes."

Gun Confiscation

I talked personally with Andrea Gammon by telephone Saturday and she told me, "We sat down for two and half hours to talk about the whole issue. My husband is an 8 year veteran and we both fully believe in the Constitution. When we got to the question we said 'what about this, what happened?'"

According to Gammon, her daughter explained that she had originally answered the question "No" but that "the teacher said for me to cross it out because it is constitutional."

Gammon tells me that she contacted the school's principal but was told the he didn't know what was on the worksheet. That was when she contacted Joshua Cook.

The story written by Cook (above) went viral, and garnered attention from across the nation. But even as the story grew, the Gammon's found what they had been told by their daughter was falling apart.

Superintendent Ron Garner contacted the family about the issue. A meeting was set up between the Gammons and the school's principal and the teacher in question. After the meeting, Andrea Gammon says that she and her husband now believe their daughter did not tell the truth about what happened in class last week.

"We sat down with this man and I believe him. My husband and I did look up the answer key online to make sure that the answer key was correct and it was."

Further, Andrea says that her daughter has now changed her story, claiming it was another student who stated that an officer can confiscate the weapon and that the teacher actually disagreed.

"We reacted emotionally because this is something important to us and we never thought that she would lie to us about it and we shouldn't have reacted, we should have backed it up first. I feel terrible about what this man and his reputation have gone through." says Gammon.

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