Sleeping With The Enemy (Comments)



We received a few (surprisingly few!) comments on this article - here are the main ones …


These guys say it bluntly. But we might as well face it, the NRA has become the enemy.

Adios Amigo’s, Rich


Dear Sir/Mam, ( please, please ) send me the e-mail address of the no good *&^$%#’s at the NRA !!! I can flatly state, that they will never ever get another penny from me & I truly promise you that !!! You may use this letter if you want too, but please get the complete message out on these no good rats claiming ( to help gun owners ).

I will tell ( everyone ) on every list I have, about these crooked *&^$%#’s !!! I am on social security, & believe me, I have the time & fortitude to help ( destroy ) the NRA !!! You may call me if you please & I will, along with all of my friends help get rid of the traitorous NRA, as fast as possible. Very respectfully,

Larry, Youngstown, Ohio


I have been an NRA member, seemingly forever, now having reached the Patron level status. Sometimes I just simply cannot comprehend its relationship w/our enemies.

When I write, it takes forever to get a reply , & when I finally do, it’s "...when you cut through the politics & hoopla....& so now you understand the NRA’s position.." (??? … uh, & I do … ?) NO, not really,& for what it’s worth will once again hear from me... &, for what it’s worth, which is the reason I’m a Patron member & freely admit that w/o the NRA we would have no gun rights, want some clear answers that I doubt I’ll ever get.

I did not pour in all this money for so many years , to get to this level to recieve gobbledegook,meaningless, forever to get non-explanations. We have a gun show here in Raleigh tomorrow, & I’ve made copies of this... one of which I’ll present to the NRA booth … poor guys’ that man it, as they won’t understand this any more than the rest of us & they’ll be getting flak all weekend.



Every time I buy something from Midway, they ask if I want to "round up" for the NRA. I always refuse. Have you thought of getting the word out to Midway to stop this "rounding up" to such a traitorous bunch as the NRA and advising the readers of this site to refrain from further gifts to the NRA?



Thank you for the alert "Sleeping with the Enemy." I have become so disgusted with the NRA compromising away our gun rights while wrapping itself in the banner of the gun rights leader. Unfortunately too many gun owners are lulled into complacency on gun rights by the NRA based upon its reputation from decades ago. I am so thankful for JPFO getting the message out about what is going on.


And to think that I used to work for NRA--and am still a member. Problem is that I’m an NRA-certified instructor in several disciplines. That’s the only certification recognized by most law enforcement agencies. If I resigned from NRA in protest, then what do I do about teaching?


Letter to NRA from a disgruntled member (JPG scan image 115k you can download.)


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