JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
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February 19, 2003 Thanks to Front Sight Firearms Training For Largest Donation to Film
Front Sight Firearms Training Institute, headed by Dr. Ignatius Piazza, has just contributed the single largest donation amount to fund the production of our documentary film, Innocents Betrayed. All of the JPFO members and supporters of the film project should thank Dr. Piazza for his generosity, and more importantly for his commitment to the film.
Dr. Piazza truly believes in the concept of Innocents Betrayed. He foresees the film becoming a marvelously potent weapon against the idea of victim disarmament. He agrees with us that if Innocents Betrayed can be shown to enough people, especially younger Americans, it could change the whole course of debate on the subject of firearms ownership -- for the next century.
We urge you to thank Dr. Piazza by visiting the Front Sight Firearms Training Institute website at
At that site you can email Dr. Piazza, ( and while you are there, examine Front Sight's many offerings. Indeed, Front Sight is working constantly to expand private civilian firearms ownership -- which is a mission JPFO can wholeheartedly endorse.
To those dedicated individuals and groups who were waiting to see whether others would support the Innocents Betrayed film, Dr. Piazza's support should encourage you now to join with whatever you can do to help. (You can still join the Producers' Circle, too.)
Click on to see the introduction to the film and to add your support on line. With Dr. Piazza's help, we'll be able to speed up completion of the film and start working to change America for the better!
The Liberty Crew
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