JPFO Folder Landing Page
This is only an old "landing" page, reached if you clicked on the folder name in the ""breadcrumbs trail" at the top of another page.
As this folder contained a large number of items it is not practicable to fully index a reference and also some of the content goes back over time, sometimes many years - it is however kept for archive purposes. Since the site changed in 2012, updates will be made to more recent material but inevitably a great many older items will remain in the old site format due to time considerations involved in the updating process.
We suggest that your progress from here can be either by using your back button to return to the last page you were on, or - simply use the left column flyout menu or the top menu bar to move on further.
By now Internet Explorer V6 is pretty much well out of date although we try enable that as well as earlier browsers. Ideally Firefox or Chrome are recommended now (2018) for best performance.

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