JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
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April 29, 2003 JPFO and "Assault Weapons" Legislation
Many supporters have asked JPFO to state our position on the pending legislation to extend the Clinton "assault weapons" ban beyond its scheduled sunset.
Here is where we stand: We have no position whatsoever on this or any other legislation.
Before you go off mad, believing JPFO has joined the ranks of apathetic compromisers, let us explain. JPFO is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. We do not get involved directly in the political process. What we do is even more crucial to freedom in the long run: We win hearts. We educate minds. We remind the world of the value of freedom and the fatal danger of surrendering even a little of it.
JPFO's mission isn't to fight Second-Amendment brush fires. It's to create a world in which "gun control" legislation would never be introduced in the first place.
Here's how we do that:
We publish articles designed to create a Bill of Rights culture—a culture in which "assault weapons" bans would never even be considered in Congress, let alone passed. (
We're producing the film "Innocents Betrayed" to continue our long-term work of reminding the world that "gun control" lays the groundwork for genocides and helps make possible the death of millions. (
We're getting the message out in the simplest, most understandable form through friendly Gran'pa Jack booklets. (
We put well-documented materials out there that any gun-rights supporter can use to educate people. (Here's one example of how someone has used our historic research very effectively to combat bad laws in his own state:
So no, we aren't going to join our good friends at, Gun Owners of America, and other gun-rights groups in their valiant lobbying coalition against the "assault weapons" ban—although we wish them well and thank them for their work.
We aren't going to stand at the side of the NRA as it pleads with Congress, once again. Frankly, if the NRA had listened to us nine years ago and quit compromising (, this battle wouldn't even have to be fought now.
There's a valuable role for people who fight bad legislation. But JPFO's unique job is to make the activists' jobs easier in the long run. If we can get out the word that "gun control" is nothing but a tool of tyranny and a boon to criminals, then our friends can fight more effectively and with greater chance of success.
And if we—with your faithful support—do our job right, eventually, people who cherish their freedoms, including their right to self defense, won't have to fight a purely defensive battle.
Win their hearts and minds and we'll change the tide. Tell people the truth about the benefits of an armed citizenry and a lot of bad legislation will wash away and sink into the depths where it belongs.
If we don't succeed at changing the culture, then we will all be "innocents betrayed," and no amount of lobbying will hold back the tide of tyranny.
The Liberty Crew
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