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Aaron Zelman Talks to the NRA Board

(Be sure to read the letter - NRA says ‘No’ to abolition of the BATFE)



May 23, 1994 - Minneapolis, MN

All those who believe that "gun control" measures won’t touch them please raise their hands. Those who raised their hands should, please, leave the room. That which I have to say does not apply to you, and I don’t want to waste your time.

Those of you still here know that the NRA’s strategy - of compromise - is failing, fast, or at the very best is not working as intended. Rather than appeasing the "gun grabbers", offers of compromise on more "gun control" whets their appetite for more "gun control" measures.

Some of you have figured out that the strategy based on compromise is FATALLY flawed. Some of you may even have figured out that unless the NRA changes its strategy, the law abiding firearm owner in America will go the way of the Jews in Nazi occupied Europe: extermination.

This strategy will continue to fail because it is based on one wrong assumption. Bad assumptions are the Mother of all screw-ups. The FATALLY bad assumption is that some forms of "gun control" - e.g., the "instant check" are, or can be, a socially useful policy, or at least not socially harmful. This is wrong. Dead wrong.

"Gun control" is an extremely destructive policy. It helped clear the way for Nazi ascendancy in Germany. As a result, 13,000,000 people were murdered; 2700/day, each day that the Nazis were in power (30 January 1933 - 7 May 1945). In the 12 member countries of the European Union, it would take about 400 years for that number of people to be murdered, assuming that Europeans were as inclined to commit murder as are a tiny minority of Americans, and if they did nothing to restrain the murders.

For the NRA to mobilize the bulk of the population, it must as a matter of great possible urgency - abandon the policy of compromise on "gun control". The NRA must be bold and aggressive. It is not enough to focus on leading "gun grabbers". It is essential to attack the concept of "gun control", to show that this is a blood drenched concept, that has no place in any civilized country.

The NRA must turn its back on its 60 years of trying to reach a compromise with the "gun grabbers". To that end, the NRA should:

  • dump the notion that the Second Amendment has ANYTHING to do with hunting: there is nothing at all wrong with hunting, but that is not the reason that the Second Amendment was written (if there were nothing in America left to hunt, the civil right to own firearms would still be necessary);
  • go directly to the public via bill-boards, newspaper adds, radio adds, TV adds, etc., and shift money away from lobbying law-makers, who mainly seek free lunches;
  • tell the American public that their local police force does not have - and never had - a duty to protect the average person, according to the U.S. Supreme Court and state Supreme Courts or Courts of Appeal;
  • that such a duty cannot exist because we cannot possibly have enough police officers; the cost would bankrupt us, and so large a number of police officers would extinguish freedom itself;
  • make the point that the concept of "gun control" is alien to U.S. jurisprudence;
  • emphasize that if criminals’ misdeeds are used to define the freedoms of the law-abiding, then America will shift from being a democracy to a criminocracy, to a country ruled by the tiny, vicious minority;
  • stress that there is strong evidence that "gun control" in America has Nazi roots, i.e., as JPFO’s research has shown that "sporting purpose" was almost certainly lifted from the Nazi’s Weapons Law of 18 March 1938;
  • tell the American public that the biggest murderer, by far, in this century has been governments "gone bad", and that the information age makes it easier for governments to commit mass murder;
  • that U.S. troops would not be needed in Haiti, Somalia, Rwanda, and Yugoslavia to prevent, or end, mass murders if each of these countries did not have "gun control" under which the average person there was disarmed. In summary, the NRA must tell its members, Americans, and the World that there is a down-side - a very evil down-side - to "gun control". The down-side is rule by criminals. At best, rule by criminals, means that freedoms of the law abiding are chipped away. At worst, rule by criminals who seize control of a government, means mountains of corpses - millions of corpses - as was the case in Nazi Germany. Among these 13 million corpses were the 7 million Gentiles. The Holocaust was never a wholly Jewish event, although they were specific targets of Nazi fury.

To those of you who are inclined to think, "It can’t happen here", I would point out that just over 50 years ago, America took all but the final step of a genocide. On 19 February 1942, President Roosevelt signed Executive order 9066. Under this order - later backed by the U.S. Congress - a small minority, Japanese-Americans - was sent to concentration camps, and held behind barbed wire fences by machine gun toting guards. Few of these people had done anything wrong. Yet all were deprived of homes, businesses, and most of their personal possessions. The U.S. Supreme Court approved (Korematsu v. U.S., 1944).

Unless and until the NRA attacks the concept of "gun control", and shows that "gun control" is a very evil public policy, "gun control" will prosper. And the NRA, and its members will, slowly, be erased.

You have a choice. You can behave the same way as Jews in Nazi Germany and Nazi occupied Europe. Like the Leaders of Jewish Community Councils (Judenrat), you can sacrifice some members of the community - the elderly, the chronically sick, etc. - to try to save others. You will be asked for more concessions; children below the age of ten. A slice at-a-time, the "gun- grabbers" will ask you for more.

By not putting before your members, and the American people, the Nazi roots of "gun control" in America, you have contributed to the enactment of the Brady Bill, and most recently, the ban on "military type" firearms.

When will you rise and fight? Will you wait until "sporting firearms" larger than .22 are banned? Will you wait until black powder firearms are banned? Will you wait until shooting ranges are zoned out of existence?

The choice is yours; You can turn your back on a failed strategy - one of compromise with evil-doers - and attack the concept of "gun control" by exposing the Nazi roots of "gun- control" in America. Or, you can persist in a failed strategy, and accept your own extinction.

Thank You.

"Gun Control" cleared the way for 8 (eight) major genocides in the 20th Century …
over 56 million murdered in the name of "Gun Control."


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