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March 11th, 2011

The Rabbi's Letter is Connecting


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Thanks to all of you who have helped circulate Rabbi Dovid Bendory’s “Open Letter to NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg”. Please go here if you haven’t read it yet. Rabbi Bendory is JPFO’s Rabbinic Director.

You MUST keep emailing that letter to any and all news outlets or politicians you can possibly contact. Have you sent it to your favorite radio talk show host? Have you sent it to your favorite opinion columnist? All these people have email addresses. Just ten minutes of your time and you can send it to half a dozen destinations.

Use the freedom tools that JPFO is providing to you!

Already the Rabbi’s letter is causing a stir in the Jewish and liberal communities. Take a look at this Village Voice article.

And here’s another Jewish web publication, Tablet Magazine, that carried the letter.

Friends, this is what is called “penetration”. Our information is getting to the right “targets”. This is not just preaching to the choir, this is opening debate, disclosing the truth! Opening debate on “gun control” has been one of JPFO’s prime goals for more than twenty years, because when enough moral and intelligent people get the true facts about the evil that is called “gun control” it will be abolished.

Please keep up the pressure. The momentum seems to be slowly turning in our direction. Now is not the time to let up!

Again, thank you for your support.


The JPFO Liberty Crew
Protecting you by creating solutions to destroy "gun control"



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