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April 19th, 2011

Support JPFO and Learn Critical
Gun Skills at The Same Time


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David Kenik and Ralph Mroz, both highly qualified firearms/self-defense instructors have an acclaimed book and video series out now. The ARMED RESPONSE book (Kenik author), and the ARMED RESPONSE TRAINING DVDs (Kenik/Mroz collaboration) are absolutely first rate.

If you purchase any of these products linking from the JPFO web site, Kenik and Mroz will kindly donate 25% of the sale to JPFO.

So, if you decide to buy either the book, or DVDs … or better yet both … make sure you go to the ARMED RESPONSE order web site via the link within the JPFO site descriptions page illustrations.

In the book, Kenik’s writing is thoughtful, authoritative, and, most importantly, realistic and pragmatic. This publication is perhaps the very best book you could give a “newbie” to handgun ownership. However, it also challenges “old pro” preconceptions, for instance, in this “high cap” world of slick semi-autos, it takes a thoughtful stance in favor of the reliable revolver as one’s basic carry piece. Kenik’s repeated emphasis on the STRESS human responses must operate under in a life and death situation will make you take a closer and serious second look at a good ole’ “wheel gun”. Semi autos are of course fully covered, and care is given to the different trigger mechanisms now available. A strong case is made against single action triggers (with their light pull) for carry and self defense. Why? The STRESS of a real world situation.

The DVD series is as close to taking a real life course as you’re likely to get. Ralph Mroz has a level headed and concise delivery that invites close attention … even during the “classroom” lecture sections. You had better know and understand what Ralph is telling you before you even consider owning a handgun for self defense … even in your own home. Out on the range with Ralph, actual “street world” reality is the format. Example: How many of you have learned to move from right to left and back again as you shoot? Let Mroz tell and show you why. It makes crucial sense and could save your life.

Owning a gun for the defense of yourself and the innocent is an unalienable right. Understanding gun safety and the tactics of self defense should NEVER be required by licensing and registration (“shall NOT be infringed”). However, each of us should have the simple common sense and responsibility to, at the very least, take the time to learn what this book and series of DVDs can teach us.

Go to the description and purchase links page and read about these fine products and then buy them! Remember, JPFO will get an invaluable 25% donation for every dollar you spend.

As always, thank you for supporting JPFO.


The JPFO Liberty Crew
Protecting you by creating solutions to destroy "gun control"



JPFO's new "Triple Play" DVD - all three major recent films on one DVD

JPFO Freedom Music - enjoy the "I Will Live Free" CD - sale price $17.76

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