July 21st, 2011
How’s this for a clear thinking politician?

Otis Rolley is running for Mayor of Baltimore, Maryland. Baltimore has some of the highest gun violence in the nation. Go here to see what Rolley has planned to combat violence in his city.
JPFO’s Rabbinic Director, Rabbi Dovid Bendory is preparing a pointed response to this bizarre, idiotic, and un–Constitutional idea. Coming soon in the next JPFO alert.
The JPFO Liberty Crew
Protecting you by creating solutions to destroy "gun control"
JPFO's new "Triple Play" DVD - all three major recent films on one DVD
JPFO Freedom Music - enjoy the "I Will Live Free" CD - sale price $17.76
JPFO hats and patches are now available per your request, at the JPFO Store.
( Reminder - our experiment about you finding other JPFO folks. )

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