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July 29th, 2011

JPFO’s Executive Director, Charles Heller,
takes on Brady Center poster boy.


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As expected, the Norway shootings have the the citizen disarmament crowd foaming at the mouth for stricter "gun control".

Read what JPFO’s Executive Director, Charles Heller, has to say to a Virginia Tech victim turned unlikely gun prohibitionist and Brady blather peddler.

"Colin Goddard, the misguided Virginia Tech shooting victim who has turned to the Brady Center to Promote Gun Violence for solace, said in a recent post about the Oslo Shooting: "Unfortunately, I was soon infuriated by the gun fanatics in America who immediately used this massacre to assert that strong gun laws, like Norway’s, don’t work."

Well, if you look at the case of Anders Behring Breivik, Norway’s ludicrous "gun control" laws don’t and didn’t work.

So, the first question is: Who, Mr. Goddard, is actually the fanatic in this case? Is it common sense self defense advocates, or emotionally convoluted knee-jerk hysterics?" ……Read more here.


The JPFO Liberty Crew
Protecting you by creating solutions to destroy "gun control"



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JPFO Freedom Music - enjoy the "I Will Live Free" CD - sale price $17.76

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