» alerts2011 » alert20110802.htm

August 2nd, 2011

JPFO Advisor and Gun Law Maven, Alan Korwin,
faces down the "elephant in the room" regarding
the truth about gun violence in our nation’s cities.


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Do NOT read this article if you are afflicted with political correctness. The brainwashing of Americans regarding "gun control" is predominantly fueled with the lie that is unveiled herein. Gun violence is "racially profiled".

Says Korwin: "Don’t shoot me, I’m only the messenger. Blame the newspaper [Baltimore Sun] for letting the dirty little secret out — it’s not a gun or murder problem, it’s a demographic problem. Is "demographic" a code word for ‘the bad part of town’?" Read more here

Oh yes, and make sure "Buck a Bullet" Otis Rolley, candidate for Baltimore mayor, gets a copy of this article. His public email:


The JPFO Liberty Crew
Protecting you by creating solutions to destroy "gun control"



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