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December 22nd, 2011

Get the new JPFO bumper sticker!

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In a controversial recent article Rabbi Bendory took gun-phobic Jews to task.

He used the phrase "Gun control is NOT KOSHER". A JPFO member wrote in and told us that this would be a great bumper sticker.

We agreed. Here it is! Obtainable at the JPFO Store.


The JPFO Liberty Crew
Protecting you by creating solutions to destroy "gun control"


JPFO exclusive t-shirts - three color options and variety of sizes..

JPFO’s "Triple Play" DVD - all three major recent films on one DVD

JPFO Freedom Music - enjoy the "I Will Live Free" CD - sale price $17.76

JPFO hats and patches are now available per your request, at the JPFO Store.

( Reminder - our experiment about you finding other JPFO folks. )


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