March 29th, 2013
Gun Control for Dummies -
It's Common Sense

Listen to the "Crash-test Dummy" and refresh yourself about the Bill of Rights, with particular attention to the Second Amendment. Most viewing this do in fact know their Bill of Rights but, there is no harm in making sure! Watch this cleverly made video (below), even if to some it may be just "preaching to the choir".

Refer to the "Sandy Hook Index" for an archive collection of valuable material we have shown since the events at the Newtown Elementary School.
NOTE: Our thanks are due to a JPFO member who gave of his time to act as Ambassador and promote us at a gun show recently. Read his "Sitrep" on this page.
"… their real goal isn't disarming the criminals but disarming everyone they view as potential political opposition. Some segments of gun control are aimed at producing a local electoral majority, the prime example being the Colorado bills that would cause enough pro-gun people to move out of the state to ensure a long-term Democrat majority. Others are aimed at disarming the "most probably enemy" population groups, and both political parties are guilty of that to some extent, though the Democratic party does it far more."

Yours in Freedom, The Liberty Crew at JPFO
Protecting you by creating solutions to destroy "gun control"
Get your JPFO bumper stickers -- these are nominal size 3¾ x 7 ½.
The latest one is the Nazi Gun Control sticker, the other is stating
"Gun Control" is NOT Kosher. Click on a thumbnail to visit the JPFO Store.

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