/ alerts2019 / alert20190109.htm

Politics Kills Kids Again,
safety report from Parkland FL

By Rob Morse. January 4th, 2019
Original Source

Florida formed a study committee after 17 students and teachers were killed and an additional 17 were injured at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in early 2018. I read some of the MSDHS safety commission report. It covered the obvious points. Unfortunately, I don't see much good coming out of it. This was more than a school failure; it was a political failure. More of our children will be at risk and some will die because of problems in the Florida legislature. Sure, implement the suggestions in the report, but please don't stop there.

The report told us to do the obvious. A school could have received nearly the same recommendations from almost any firearms instructor or security consultant. (List follows.) .......

The overall message is plain - apart from a main selection of logical measures, the way to ensure the best possibility of protection for school kids is - armed personnel. There is no reason why even teachers could not be armed, if as law abiding gun owners they have some training and are prepared to take on the responsibility. It is not just schools either, we can include college campuses, churches and places of business. "When seconds count" is the overwhelming mantra.


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