Mass Shootings Are Neither More
Frequent or More Deadly in America

By Miguel A. Faria, Jr., M.D. Aug 22, 2019
Mass shootings are a heinous crime, and for the victims and the rest of the population, a tragedy. That should not detract from the fact that many, if not most, of the culprits are deranged malcontents, who in many ways are aberrant products of the times in which we live. Nor should we abdicate our responsibility to report the facts surrounding these tragedies.
For example, despite what you have been led to believe and contrary to sensationalized reporting, mass shootings are not more frequent today, only more publicized and propagandized.
Northeastern University Criminal Justice Professor James Fox reported that the highest casualty rate for mass murders in the past three decades occurred in 1977. In that year, 38 criminals killed 141 victims. Compare this to 1994, which had the lowest number of mass murders: 31 criminals murdered 74 people.
In his latest article, Professor Fox reiterated:
According to a careful analysis of data on mass shootings (using the widely accepted definition of at least four killed), the Congressional Research Service found that there are, on average, just over 20 incidents annually. More important, the increase in cases, if there was one at all, is negligible. Indeed, the only genuine increase is in hype and hysteria.
"Mass shootings" should better be described as "mass murders" - murder is murder, by any means. It is beyond time that these events did not receive sensational reporting which only glamorizes them and risks encouraging copy-cat actors. JPFO promotes "Don't Inspire Evil" - an initiative to draw attention to the culpability of the mass media. (A statement has been circulated which states - 251 'mass shootings' in 216 days - this is an absurd dishonest anti-gun claim.)

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