Va Police Chief Advocates
Ban on All Guns at U.S.
House "Assault Weapons" Hearing October 3rd, 2019. By NRAHQ
Fairfax, VA - - ( On Sept. 25, 2019, the Democrat-led U.S. House Judiciary Committee held a 3 ½ hour "hearing" entitled "Protecting America From Assault Weapons."
That framing of the issue underscored the erroneous notion that Americans need protection from inanimate objects, rather than from violent criminals who have and always will use any means at their disposal to harm innocent, defenseless people. It also revealed the unfortunate agenda of the proceedings, which was to emphasize politics and finger-pointing over any useful exploration of how Congress might take meaningful steps to improve public safety.
The most startling claim of the proceedings came when Dr. RaShall Brackney, Chief of the Charlottesville Police Department in Virginia responded to a question from Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) about whether she would support a ban on hunting rifles. "I believe any weapon that can be used to hunt individuals should be banned," Brackney replied.
This admission seemed to indicate that Brackney would be open to the banning of any firearm - or even any weapon - whatsoever.
This underscores just how determined those are on the left to seek confiscation of people's legal guns, regardless of any acknowledgement of the Second Amendment and the right of self defense.
"The founders themselves wanted to ensure the Second Amendment provided an effective check against disarming the people, which in turn was necessary to 'be able to resist tyranny.'"

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