Detroit Justifiable Homicides 25 times the
National Average, Murders lowest in 50 years

By Dean Weingarten. November 3, 2019
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In 2018, Detroit had 25 times the national average of reported justifiable homicides. The police chief of Detroit, James Craig, supports the residents' right to self defense. He supports the issuance of concealed carry permits. From
The county's report shows there were 289 homicides in Detroit in 2018, although the county lists all homicides, whereas Detroit, like most cities, doesn't include justifiable homicides in its report because those aren't crimes.
Assistant Detroit Police Chief David LeValley said there were 18 justifiable homicides in the city last year. Including those in the city's count raises the number of homicides to 279 -- 10 fewer than the county reported.
Detroit's population in 2018 was listed as 672,662. The number of murders in Detroit were listed as 261. This equates to a homicide rate of 38.8 per 100,000 population. It is the second highest city in the nation. However, the number of murders are considerably lower than they were in 2012, just before Chief Craig took over. The numbers of murders are the lowest in 50 years. The population of Detroit has dropped; thus the rate of murders is still high. The rate was 55.2 per 100,000 in 2012. In 2012, the interim police chief, Chester Logan, blamed the homicide rate on guns.
The rate of reported justifiable homicide in Detroit in 2018, was 2.68 per 100,000. About 6.5% of the homicides in Detroit are reported as justified.
Many naysayer gun haters will very probably discredit the results described, but those who actually see the logic can maybe understand the relevance. Ideally with the Detroit carry, there should be no requirement for permits like in so many other states - and, as Alan Korwin says "Guns Save Lives" - but try getting that message through to the anti-liberty people.

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