New York - -( Like the Brady Campaign, the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence has taken a back seat to other anti-Second Amendment groups, primarily the Bloomberg-funded Moms Demand Action and March 4 Our Lives.
However, this is a group Second Amendment supporters need to understand since the group's approach is a more basic version of what we see from anti-Second Amendment extremists today, particularly in the quasi-religious furor.
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
This group has been around for 45 years - and it began as a project of the United Methodist Church called the National Coalition to Ban Handguns.
The term coalition is not inaccurate; either - about four dozen organizations are involved with this anti-Second Amendment group, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Presbyterian Church (USA), and the National Urban League.
When former Brady Campaign president Dan Gross discussed the "ideological hatred" of Second Amendment supporters at a pro-Second Amendment rally this past weekend, CSGV was one of the groups he was probably talking about. Why?
"Gun Violence" -- guns themselves of course are not inherently violent but the misnomer continues to be over used by anti freedom groups, whereas, "gun related violence" would make much more sense as the gun is just a mere tool. To counter groups such as the CGSV it is essential that all gun owners remain educated and must make all efforts to bring round the many who continue to be 'on the fence' regarding guns and rights.