/ alerts2019 / alert20191216.htm

Defiance Through Compliance:
Gun Free Military Zones

By Dean Weingarten. December 15, 2019
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In 2015, in an exclusive interview on Ammoland, Candidate (now President) Donald Trump promised he would mandate that soldiers remain armed and alert at our military bases. From AmmoLand, Candidate Trump:

"They will be able to defend themselves against terrorists. Our brave soldiers should not be at risk because of policy created by civilian leadership. Political correctness has no place in this debate."

That policy was reiterated in 2018. President Trump said he would review the policy of keeping service members disarmed on our military bases and recruiting centers. From

President Donald Trump said Friday that he would review policies that keep troops from carrying personal weapons onto military bases.

In spite of this promise, highly trained and motivated aviators were killed by a terrorist at Naval Air Station (NAS) Pensacola, Florida, on 6 December, 2019. Several were wounded. All were unarmed by DOD and Naval policy. While NAS Pensacola has a security team, they were ineffective in stopping the terrorist at the base: .....

"These are a few of the measures which could change the climate denigrating the carry of personal arms that has infected the U.S. military. These changes would aid in the protection of our service members, and the country."


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