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Majority of Attorneys General
Refute Latest Anti-Freedom Attack

By Garrett O'leary. Feb 2, 2024

A majority of state attorneys general recently signed a letter to President Joe Biden (D) and his recently created "Office of Gun Violence Prevention." The letter is in response to an attack from anti-Second Amendment elected officials who sent their own letter contending that the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant in Independence, Mo., is in the wrong for selling surplus ammunition to civilians.

"Their tactic is an overt attempt to punish Americans' exercise of their Second Amendment rights," reads the pro-freedom letter. "The Democrats' letter contains a litany of errors. These errors demonstrate our colleagues' outright ignorance of firearms and ammunition."

The letter went on to state how ending commercial sales of ammunition from Lake City would only punish law-abiding gun owners by decreasing the supply of ammunition and, conversely, driving up its price.

"The United States Supreme Court stated definitively that the Second Amendment guarantees a personal right to each law-abiding citizen to 'keep and bear arms.' But Americans cannot exercise this constitutionally protected right to use their firearms without access to ammunition. If your office does what the Democrat attorneys general ask, then ammunition prices will increase, and ammunition availability will decrease. And those restrictions on ammunition will not resolve any of the ills discussed by our colleagues," read the letter.

The group of attorneys general that support the Second Amendment also pushed back on the claim that the commercially purchased ammunition should be manufactured for the military alone. .....


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