/ alerts2024 / alert20240212.htm

CA: Ammunition Infringements
Back in Force... for Now

Target ammunition ordered by direct mail

By Dean Weingarten. Feb 12, 2024

Californians have been free to purchase ammunition, much like the rest of the United States, from January 31, 2024 to February 5, 2024. On February 5, 2024, a three judge panel of the Ninth Circuit, in a split decision, granted a motion to stay the decision of the District Court by Judge Benitez. Judge Benitez had found the ammunition law to be unconstitutional for a second time on January 31.

In 2016, voters in California approved a ballot measure known as Proposition 63. The proposition created a system where gun owners would apply for an ammunition permit, which would cost $50 and be good for four years. Ammunition vendors would be required to check a California list of valid permits before they could approve a purchase. This system never went into effect.

Before the election day when Proposition 63 was voted on, the California legislature enacted Senate Bill 1235. The bill changed and eliminated Proposition 63, and put Bill 1235 in place. Bill 1235 required a background check every time ammunition was purchased, along with numerous other requirements, fees, and prohibitions. Bill 1235 was to go into effect on January 1, 2018. The bill was challenged in the courts as unconstitutional, on April 26, 2018. On April 23, 2020, Judge Benitez issued an order granting a preliminary injunction, to stop enforcement of the law. On April 24, 2020, an three judge panel granted a stay on the implementation of the preliminary injunction.

On June 24, 2022, the case was sent back to Judge Benitez, to take into consideration the impact of the Bruen decision at the Supreme Court. On January 30, 2024 Judge Benitez issued an order granting a permanent injunction to stop the enforcement of the unconstitutional ammunition law infringements. .....


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