OPINION: ATF 'Zero-Tolerance'
Policy Doesn't Apply In-House

(Courtesy ATF)
By Joe Bartozzi. Feb 13, 2024
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is showing the public that the "zero-tolerance" policy they apply to firearm retailers doesn't seem to apply inside the bureau. When it comes to the administrative oversight of federal laws, there appear to be serious issues within ATF.
At least two U.S. senators are demanding answers.
There are disturbing reports that ATF officials have been misclassifying non-law enforcement positions within the bureau as law enforcement – including for some positions in leadership. If true, that's a violation of federal law and it appears to have been happening for decades. On top of breaking federal law, those violations have potentially cost American taxpayers nearly $88 million.
One-Way Zero-Tolerance
That's not just an oversight. This misclassification was brought to ATF leadership's attention by whistleblowers as early as 2018 but was ignored.
Contrast that with ATF's "zero-tolerance" policy. That crackdown by the ATF on firearm retailers – many of which have been over minor clerical errors – has cost many mom-and-pop shops their licenses and livelihoods. Businesses have been lost. Cases that were previously addressed and closed were re-opened and licenses revoked.

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