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UN Launches Most Aggressive Ban On
Private Firearms Ownership Since ATT

From GunMag. Feb 23, 2024

The UN loves acronyms, perhaps because they can hide the real purpose of a meeting.

The most recent event was the "UN PrepCom" held at UN headquarters in New York, Feb. 12-16.

This PrepCom is the scheduled Preparatory Meeting held to set the agenda for the United Nations "Conference to Review Progress Made in the Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects."

The following is an analysis by Versnel and Richard Patterson with Liberty's Keystone:

While discussions were largely the same that have been going on since the beginning of the Programme of Action (PoA), there are some new developments. Anti-gun groups and member states are saying they feel there is pressure to promote the private possession of firearms. This may be a result of the attacks on Ukraine and Israel which are very divisive issues but the impact of George Soros' son, Alex, taking the reins of Open Society and the rest of their Civil Society empire.

Alex is far more radical than his father. Regardless, these antigun groups/countries are pushing back hard with calls for the outright total ban of private firearms possession. .....


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