More anti-gun groups
fabricating mass-shooting data

(The word "shootings" should in many cases be ideally replaced with "murders", to be more precise.
"Shooting" is what happens at the range. Ed;)
By Lee Williams. Feb 29, 2024
There were 648 mass shootings in 2020, according to the Gun Violence Archive. Everytown claims there were 636, but the FBI says there were 50. Four additional groups have their own data. None of it agrees.
Clearly, the gun-ban industry has figured out that by offering mass shooting data sets – regardless of their accuracy – it will increase mentions by the legacy media. In fact, the more wildly inflated their numbers, the more likely their group will be cited in news stories, which leads to increased fundraising.
There are two reasons for the large discrepancies in the groups' findings: how they define a mass shooting and how they gather the data. The Gun Violence Archive has the least realistic definition and the shoddiest collection methods. The GVA defines a mass shooting as anytime four or more people are even slightly wounded by gunfire. The group doesn't rule out shootings that evolve from a domestic dispute or those that are gang related. The GVA gathers their data from spurious sources, such as social media and cable TV news. As a result, the GVA leads the pack in terms of media mentions. They have even been cited by the Biden-Harris administration.
Most Americans would be shocked at the type of incidents these groups classify as mass shootings. Most understand what comes to mind when you hear the term – a deranged monster stalking the halls of a school, shopping mall or house of worship, randomly executing innocent people. Most do not picture two gang members shooting it out over turf, a maniac turning a gun on their family members, or a drug deal gone bad.
What follows is an examination of the groups that promote mass shooting data, starting with the FBI, which many consider the only trustworthy data repository.

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