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Everytown's Report On Juvenile Shootings
Chock-Full Of Errors, Propaganda

(Photo-illustration from licensed Shutterstock account.)

By Lee Williams. Mar 20, 2024

Children unintentionally shot and killed more than 157 people last year and wounded more than 270, or so Everytown for Gun Safety would have you believe. NBC News was the first media outlet to lap up this fake-news story.

"The children who pulled the trigger were most often teenagers ages 14 to 17 or children ages 5 and under, according to Everytown's data, which is compiled from media reports," the NBC News story claims.

Therein lies the problem: Everytown's data is about as useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle. It is so chock-full of errors that using it to draw any conclusion would become a study in futility. It is pure GIGO – Garbage In, Garbage Out.

No one wants a firearm to fall into the wrong hands. On that, all can agree. However, as usual, Everytown uses their fake data to advocate for more gun control, in this case mandatory storage laws, which would of course be followed by mandatory home inspections by police, to make sure gun owners were storing their firearms in accordance with the law.

'Media reports'

Very few sources are as unreliable as initial media accounts, especially when they're based upon a hasty press release sent by a law enforcement agency after a shooting. .....


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