Since the 2020 Election, the Number of New
Gun Owners Equals the Population of Florida

By Matt Manda. June 11, 2024
'Gun control' activists hate gun ownership. "More guns means more violence!," they shout. They'll swear up and down that guns cause crime, not deranged and violent people. They push an unending agenda to limit the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans to lawfully purchase and possess firearms.
'Gun control' activists are in for some bad news: Americans have rejected their anti-gun dogma in a Florida-sized way.
Firearm industry data has revealed something astounding. In a major shift since 2020, a population the size of Florida has become first-time, brand-new gun owners. That's right – more than 22.3 million people who previously had decided firearm ownership wasn't for them looked around, decided they didn't like what they were seeing, jumped off the fence and lawfully purchased a gun at retail.
One thing's for sure. Those Americans can make a difference on Election Day.

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